1200 DVT New Dvt Thoughts So Far Please Respond

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Steviegtr, Aug 10, 2017.

  1. Yes

    15 vote(s)
  2. No

    55 vote(s)
  1. Suspect the SH will take care of a lot of it, but it will have to compensate for an under-sprung preload. So by setting preload its in the range easier, needs less compression etc and handles more neutrally.
  2. Well seen as i am retired & rich & mildly stupid, no really stupid but quite intelligent. Background. Father was a Speedway champion. 1941 to 1947. I was trials riding from 11 yrs old. Had in my possession over 200 motorcycles. raced gocarts F1 stockcars & tuned Cosworths Porsches & Nissan Skylines. I have lots of time on my hands. So I have been reading up on the suspension settings for the Ducati Multistrada 1200s DVT with Skyhook suspension. You have all been brainwashed with this front right forkleg preload nonsense. If you do a lot of racing, trackdays etc. Great then adjust the preload to suit your riding style. But if you want the Skyhook to work as designed then leave it alone. It messes up the setting other than SPORT. It jacks the front up which in turn the IMU sees as wrong, think about it skyhook, bike hanging on a rope keeping it level with the earth. so it jacks the rear up to compensate. Totally screwing up what the thing was designed to do. Basically in any other setting the bike is wrong. I have now ridden 200 miles since playing with the settings & this is what i found. I took the Cobb & Jagger demo bike out which by the way i have done over 1800 miles on. Waiting for my bikes repairs. Today while riding it i noticed it was lower than mine (which i have turned the adjuster 5 turns in). Because the rear has lifted automatically to match the front higher preload. Sit on your bike at home with the engine running & switch to Enduro mode & you will feel the bike raise up. If you don,t feel it just concentrate on the headlight against your garage door & you will see it raise. By adjusting the preload you are cocking up the settings. Play with you Scalectrix but leave the bloody bike alone. Believe what you read on here or just trust the company who built it. Yes i saw a 20-25mm less front dive under heavy breaking but the bike was sat 20-25mm higher at the rear. Composmentus.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  3. Yes, I think in your first sentence you kind of sum it up !!!
  4. Well I adjusted mine and it helped ?

    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. :thinkingface:.... There was me thinking that Skyhook raised the rear in ENDURO mode because you might need more ground clearance for the rugged terrain or in your case the trial sections.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Not sure you understand how skyhook works #42, or its been explained differently by different shops... The reason some need to change the rear spring, for example, is because its too light and it means that the system has to over compensate. Say its supposed to act to keep the bike within a range of 40mm travel, if it starts 10mm into that, it has to firm everything on the move. Some have found this to give a firm ride, so they bad of the preload and makes it worse.

    On the front, the electrons again aim to keep it in a range. That range will have an assumption of starting point: if that was with zero preload, it means it expect the front and rear to not be equal, as the rear DOES add preload. So you can't obtain a 'flat' balance to the bike.

    In my internet and layman knowledge opinion.

    All I can say is mine rides far better in touring with some preload (not as much as it should be given my weight) than it does as it came from the factory. And you appear to be the only one who thinks it doesn't ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. @bradders. You clearly have more patience than me mate !! I cant be bothered to explain or help any more to a person who repeatedly asks for opinions and help on a forum then basically says we are all nonsense talking brainwashed morons.....:D
  8. No mate, clearly wrong you idiot, JUST PUT IT AGAINST YOUR GARAGE WALL AND YOU'LL SEE !!!! :D:grinning::upyeah:
  9. firstly I must apologize to anyone i may have upset with my comments. I have had an in depth conversation with Ducati this morning. They tell me that anyone who buys a Pikes peak manual Ohlins to go to a specialist to get the bike set up for them as it makes a huge difference. I.E riding style, weight etc. Ducati specifically say that the Skyhook is not required any adjustment apart from the electronic settings in the menu. Also if anyone wants to up the preload then that is fine. Only that if you set the preload at the front the bike will automatically rise at the rear. The company does a yearly ride out in Italy around mountain passes with all sorts of riders including some very experienced guys. Not once have they ever altered the front preload. If they want the bike firmer they do it in the menu. In there words, if you have turned your front preload in by 5 turns we recommend turning it back out to just 1 or 2 turns. They also state that the only thing the right preload does is raise the bike & some riders may prefer this. If a person is on the large side then they say sw to 2 rider mode. Or experiment with menu. I know some of you guys say yours is better now & that is great for you. I feel much better since the doctor gave me a smartie for a headache. Placebo effect & all that. To set up suspension properly look on youtube & see all the measurements they do STATIC SAG etc etc. Not needed with Skyhook. Ducati,s words not mine.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Useful Useful x 2
  10. Do you occasionally drink a lot and just make this stuff up?? LMAO. I have spoke with DUK and they say no such thing?? Please, just put the bottle back and stick to beer :upyeah::grinning:
  11. So, do DUK say that or not? :thinkingface::dizzy:
  12. So, do DUK say that or not? :thinkingface::dizzy:
  13. Try ringing them. I spoke to the Ducati main dealer who told me word for word. Or you could listen to Wayne. I,ve already turned mine back to 2 turns in & there,s no difference. Did 30 mile run this afternoon drunk obviously & the suspension acted no different to yesterday, apart from it now sits a bit lower again.Weather permitting will be doing around 200 + miles tomorrow. Enjoy. Oh & yes i do like a drink. Can do a full bottle of Brandy a month if friends come to the boat. Don,t drink beer or have a local boozer.
  14. I had a conversation with a Ducati main dealer back in 2015 not long after I bought my bike they told me the DVT has 160bhp:poop:.:joy: That must be right.......
    I've had a suspension company do the static sag measurements and once they applied the pre-load based on those values (5 turns front, 16 rear) I had a sweet handling bike. Strangely the best guess by Skyhook was completely different and did not compensate for the factory half a turn on the front and less than average handling. I'm not knocking skyhook, now that the manual Setting of front and rear preload is right, the active damping is superb. That is what I expect because skyhook only deals with active control of compression and rebound, loads of stuff on the net by Ducati on this, even states it in the user manual, page 35. Until I see something from Ducati's chief Engineer that skyhook means you don't need to mess with ANYTHING on the suspension I'll take the traditional route.
    But..... the bottom line is, if you are happy with the handling of your bike by whovever/whatever method that's what counts :upyeah::beer:
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Honestly lads, do what ever you feel is correct, the bikes have a manual adjustment for a reason and it ain't ride height. What's pre-load usually for? Skyhook can only adjust compression and rebound, so you still need to set pre-load. But again, do as you wish and enjoy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The skyhook is semi active, the aprilia caponord is fully active, the clue is there me thinks !!
  17. And you set the rear preload so why not the front? Don't get it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Well i,m not going to take there word for it. So maybe Monday i,ll do some more adjustments starting at standard 1/2 turn. Measure height etc reset the tywrap & weather permitting test it. Then adjust for my weight according to the advice on here. Recheck height with me aboard & test again. But tonight i,ve been out to workshop & the tywrap is in the same place almost as it was before i adjusted to 5 turns. I did do some pretty heavy braking last night so will try do same road same kind of riding. I think the feeling on here is with the preload adjusted it gives a firmer ride.
  19. What would be useful is to see if the rear ride heights as dealer suggested, also adapts. So if you raise the front (i.e. Have it use 10mm less travel at rest) does the rear when ignition on and live also adjust its height.
  20. I,ll try it. Measure the rear from a point & the front from a point with engine running of course. Then after adjusting the front will see if the rear does the same. I,m sure it does level itself because i had the demo bike out yesterday & literaly climbed off my bike & onto theirs. I immediately noticed the bike was lower as my legs could bend slightly as with mine feet flat on floor legs are straight. Both bike have seat set at low. Also Ducati assure me they have not touched the suspension on there demo bike or any other. There bike has done 3000 miles , a lot of which i have put on it. Mine has done just coming up 1000. I ran the bike last night with the baffle removed & the sound is incredible. With baffle in was not impressed as it sounded a bit deep sort of. The engine map is super smooth with all the jerks at low throttle gone . Although it was better before when as wayne58 recomended switching touring to hi power. I am picking up all the bits they removed next week exhaust valve & actuator etc. But also with it is the upmap. Not sure if both maps are on the stick or just my old map. If they are both on there i,ll try & copy it. As a few on here had been asking if anyone had the upmap.
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