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New Helmet Day And It's A Special One!!!

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by tcrofty7, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. @tcrofty7 you’re a helmet

    Edit: and a special one.
    #41 Advikaz, Nov 24, 2021
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. Fair do’s. You’re obviously more careful than me :D I’m not anti Iridium, I think it looks great! When you do track days it’s a bit more chaotic at close quarters. Always shifting things around. I was recently horrified to see my lid rolling into pit lane after the wind picked it up…. I had it plonked in one of those soft polo things and got knocked off…. :astonished: Not a scratch…. Phew!!
    • Like Like x 2
  3. You absolute wa**er!! Where's my credit card :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Decision made then. Thanks dude
    • Like Like x 2
  5. You can cum and polish my helmet any day my lovely :kissing_heart:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. The lashing?
    • WTF WTF x 1
  7. Croc spotting...
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. The Wife’s!! But we’ll spotted :blush:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I have a house that performs the same function. Camping? Nay, Nay and trice NAY!

    Perhaps if camping were advertised for what it really is...." Come and experience the life of a penniless refugee, or if you prefer a natural disaster survivor, or a homeless person, or the recently evicted, or a Crusty Eco Warrior"!

    It's like BBQ's. I don't' get it. If you live in a house you have a kitchen, with oven and cooker. Cook yer shite inside, then take it outside for some al fresco nosebag; simples.

    I don't even like going to BBQ's. They never vary, burgers, sausages and salad; or variations thereof, under or overcooked; "would Sir like some salmonella with his burger"?

    Also, having worked in the past as a Chef my mates know this and I end up doing their BBQ for them because they don't have a Scooby how to do it properly and safely. It's a source of amazement to me that Guys, mates and men, many of who do not normally cook anything in their £15k designer kitchen get the urge to cremate cow and pigs in their garden come the Summer?!

    Not only that...but alcohol and fire? Oh dear oh dear oh dear - I have witnessed many a lost eyebrow in the traditional sport of "hold ma beer and watch this".

    Apologies for the off topic rant.

    Yes, beautiful lid.

    No! to £1200.

    I just bought a new Caberg Enduro lid from Sportsbikeshop. ££80 delivered, half price, ex display. I do like a bargain....
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Is your new helmet made out of cheese?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Absolutely, I would insist on nothing but the best, Strong Scottish Cheddar. Puts hairs on yer Haw-maws.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Helmets eh?…they do my head in :D

    I have this…

    Shoei X spirit 3, seen here after a gear cleaning session, Shoei’s top of the range sports helmet, cost me about £550 just in the plain black, for the money I think it underperforms….

    I also have this…


    HJC RPHA 11 , cost half of what the Shoei did ( including two visors and pinlock ) and for the money, it overperforms, I’ve got both helmets so I’m just telling it like it is..

    The Shoei is a good helmet once it’s on your noggin and set up, but changing anything on the move is a right pita, all the vent switches are just too small and shiny, the visor clip is off to the lhs and you can’t see it so you’re fumbling about to find it, also this visor clip slopes downward and you’re fingers slip off it when it’s raining, sometimes takes two or three goes to shut it in the wet and the visor change system is a bit fiddly if you have a dark visor on it as you can’t see where the location notches are :rolleyes:

    The HJC on the other hand is a piece of piss to use when your on the bike, all vents are easy to work with your gloves on, it flows more air than the Shoei, it’s as quiet as the Shoei and it’s a bit lighter, plus the visor mechanism is the easiest and quickest one I’ve used on any helmet.
    The visor lock is right in the centre of the visor so it shuts nice and even unlike the Shoei which tends to twist a bit ( interestingly on the new Shoei Neotec they have moved the visor clip to the centre position like the HJC, now that tells you something? ) and all you have to do is put your thumb under the chinbar, forefinger over the clip and squeeze it shut and you get a nice satisfying “ click” from the visor locking catch, easy :upyeah:

    Put it like this, since I got the HJC I’ve never used the X spirit 3 , as a helmet I think it’s over rated :rolleyes: just my findings on both.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. Must have saved a few quid on that little 125 then ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I'll need to hide under a Tin hat after this, but..........

    This is the only Bike helmet I own.
    I love it, it's light enough, and very comfy.
    But possibly should have been changed years ago.
    I do have a clear Visor for it.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Hmmm,…bit too “ Darth Vader” like for me :blush:
    I’d be tempted to wander about all day saying..” I am your Father Luke” :joy::joy:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I had an original Simpson Bandit 'Back in the Day' so couldn't resist this when I saw it.
    It's at least 1/2 the weight of the original.
  17. What the hell is that and does it really say "CRAP HELMET"??
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Not as pokey as your 300 mate ;)
  19. It really would appear to:)

    It's all in the Font.

    • Funny Funny x 1
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