I thought so too and it's got glittery bits in the paint of course that made my day it's a bit battered now after face planting the tarmac
Still have my Doohan replica which is an Arai Quantum, bought in 199, and my John Kocinski replica which is a Shoei bought in 1991! They’re both in the loft as Lady Vader won’t allow a helmet display cabinet. I forget it her house I pay for!
My two favourite Arai helmets... Kocinski Replica (which I still have) Very rare Arai Kodo, Japan only model (at that time) there are now a few more variants but seldom seen in UK/Europe. Made for Yamaha at the launch of the MT01 big twin.
My Kocinski is quite different to that. More of a fierce Eagle, deeper yellow on the front and more starts and stripes. Loved that helmet, first “proper” helmet since passing my test.
Mine's faded quite a bit. There were other makes that the "Kocinski" was also made. Believe BELL were the first.
My Arai Nicky Hayden rep, from my Honda Fireblade days. Still got it, wear it sometimes. Complete with Arai service stickers, from 2017 TT
I tried on a M/L yesterday but in the 803 version was maybe a little tight. Off the Sportsbikeshop after a cup of Coffee to try on a size up.
I think the 803 is more race spec whereas the one I have, the 903 is a bit more general with internal sun visor. I don't know what that affects size wise.
From what the shop staff said the 803 is the same shell and padding except for the cheek padding which is more a snug fit on the 803. They haven’t store stock any longer as X Lite is defunct as a brand with Nolan being the only brand hence the discounts. They’re bringing 4 helmets in for me to try of differing colours.