I'll be there if I'm free. I have done the Cassington night for the last few years and an Italian meet would be great
Hello and welcome :smile: Look forward to seeing the end result...and then have it pass me on a trackday :tongue:
Don't count on Cassingon Bike Night happening ing in 2014. As to the Italian meet. It will be Saturday 17th May. Don't expect a huge event, it isn't intened to be like that. It is a 'no cost' meeting on private land behind the Red Lion. Just a meeting and a chat amongst like minded people. More information later. Geoff
I will keep a look out for you. If you are around Cassington any Monday night we are at the Red Lion on the Green. This time of year trhere should be a blue Monster parked outside, when it gets warmer that may change to a yellow 748.