New Multistrada 1200 Owner

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Stephen Buchanan, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. Same ones i have too :upyeah:
  2. Hi...welcome!!!
  3. Welcome - I have fallen in to the same trap as yourself and ended up collecting my 2017 1200PP in February. Absolutely love it. Was apprehensive about going back to a chain (had mainly BMWs) but its irrelevant compared to how amazing the bike is. I also found my chain was starting to rust from my ride up from Essex to Edinburgh but put it down to the salt on the roads. Cleaned/oiled it after I got back and its been fine since
  4. Short update!

    I finally get the issue with the faulty odometer sorted out (which was a saga!).

    While the bike was off the road, I gave it a good clean and installed a Quadlock iPhone mount with wireless charging.

    As soon as I got my dash back, and had the Multistrada on the road again, I got it left over the have the chain and sprockets changed. Also had the mechanic give the whole bike given a once-over, but he was very complimentary about its condition, and all that was needed was brake and clutch fluid replacement.

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    Apart from that I’ve been enjoying the good weather and getting to know the bike a bit more. It’s a great (and very capable) toy, and I’m really starting to understand why adventure bikes are so popular!

    I also treated myself to some new gear, including a new AGV K6 lid (which I kitted out with a Sena 30kHD).
    I’ve never used Bluetooth on the bike before, but it’s a real game changer!

    This is the first bike I’ve had in a while, and I’m absolutely loving it. Really looking forward to this summer, with the first tip (West coast of Scotland) already planned.
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  5. Great progress, enjoy your Scotland trip. West coast is great, especially if the weather is in your favour.
  6. Hi, welcome, over time you will get the bike just as you want it, have a blast.
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