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1200 New Multistrada: Dealer Relationship Killer??

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Moley, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. I was kind of hoping my 4 year old, 2010, 22k miler would pull 7k, so I'm with Moley, that is a pretty poor depreciation on his (feck knows what mines really worth - if anything!)?
  2. £10
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. The dealers do have a book that hold the private, px and new price for these bikes.

    I thought a low mileage, nice Multi S touring would get around £12,000.
  4. Ducati are no different to any other manufacturer, there's always a new updated model round the corner and they'll always use every excuse in the book to knock you down on p/ex. I spoke to a dealer today who said he'll register a brand new bike in Jan 2015, the reg number is irrelevant he said, it's the year that counts, we all know that's complete bollox, when I go to sell it they'll say ' it's a shame it isn't a 15 plate '.

    I always sell private, never buy new, always ex demo or pre registered and never in the summer months, it seems to work for me.....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. lol...shouldn't you be smarter than the fuvk trying to sell? are any of you genuinely surprised at the devaluation of ya pride and joy or just pissed that the inevitable has happened? the only reason this "phenomenon" occurs is ya selves... we all point out the frustrating niggles in our bikes and then 10 years on claim it was the best bike you have ever owned... if you want to keep up with the jones's be prepared to take it in the poopshoot.. or love the one ya with.. in a nice way:upyeah:
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  6. F**k me! That must be some kind of record!! It depreciated 23K in a YEAR??
  7. £27k for a Granada? Hold on let me say that one more time. £27k for a Granada. Adjusted for inflation that's £43k now.

    What year was it, and model? I'll dig the old price lists out as an old boy I work with has kept them from the 80's til now and have a look as I work for ford.
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  9. Doncha LOVE that you can find all this old shit on youtube now? I spent the other night watching episodes of The Champions which I loved as an 8 year-old! :)
  10. There was a batch of Lancia Betas which depreciated to zero whilst still brand new - they were scrapped before they ever got sold. Surely that's the record.
  11. Did
    Did they not just rust away where they stood ?
  12. It was the second generation Granada and top of the range. It had full leather interior and all the toys imaginable at the time including stuff that wasn't factory fitted. And yes the RRP was £27k.

    I virtually lived in that car and did over 50,000 miles in the thing that year and its value dropped like a stone!

    Ps You can buy cars for £43k plus today ;)
    #32 El Toro, Nov 11, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  13. All my bikes are worth more than I paid, some considerably more :Happy: ...................................:Bag:
  14. I spent all my money on fast cars, bikes, women and booze...the rest I just wasted.
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  15. You didnt do it right if you had anything left
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Now don't laugh. but I bought my bike as a family heirloom. I knew at the time I paid cash for it straight out of my savings account I wouldn't be replacing it for a good 10 years. I'm not that impressed with the new bike and I think a lot of the things they have done are just more gimmicks, to make people think they need to have it. Apple do it every year with the iPhone. Yes there's more features on it but come on how often do you use them?

    Nope I'm keeping mine to hand down to my grand children. I have no choice I'm skint after buying it in the first place.
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  17. I doubt many sold for that much, most were fleet/company wagons with the commensurate discount hacked off the price. These then flooded the market 3 years down the road, making an already steep depreciation curve positively murderous.

    Anyone who bought one brand new as a private customer needed their head checking. The Carlton/Senator/Omega was equally damned in this respect.
  18. Part of my job at Fords was a development/test driver for the new Scorpio back in the 90's.

    Used to take them out on the road before they were even announced. Got some funny looks driving the things as they looked so bad.

    It would be worse than walking an ugly bird down the local high street in the daytime.

    How anyone spent money on buying one amazed me.
  19. @final_edition did you perchance have anything to do with the fiesta around that time?, we had crew up from ford take over half the workshop for about a week in fortwilliam, whilst setting up the suspension on the new model 2000-2001, apparently they used lochaber roads a lot around that time,
  20. This thread is a great advertisement for PCP financing. Yes you are paying for something you will never own and it feels like the dealer and the manufacturer are bleeding you dry.
    Other than the cost of routine maintenance there are no repair bills, you have a guaranteed final value, You can change models every couple of years and all you have to do is budget a monthly payment.
    Nowadays where components such as ECUs, Clocks and suspensions cost more than we have paid for full bikes in the past, it seems a no brainer to ensure peace of mind ownership.
    I genuinely think that even if I had the cash to buy one outright I would still opt for PCP.
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