He He That's going down as Rant of the week for me, normally this time of year it's about the weather or salt on the road, makes a change to read a new rant. Quick question though. Didn't Ducati put lighter wheels on the PP? wont adding Iron disks add the weight back on? I notice the chicken strips but I'm not sure if there just new tyres or the gyroscopic effect of the extra weight of the disks is stopping you from leaning it enough?
:Facepalm: Now, now JCM, you're only gonna start another rant off with "CS" thing!! Stop will you or I'll stop oggling the very expensively modified beauty. :Banghead:
Getting back on the subject - I'm a short arse. There. I've said it. I would have bought a Mutly about four years ago ...until I sat on one at the dealer's - or TRIED to sit on one! I couldn't get my little short legs over the bloody saddle and when I climbed on the thing using the footrests, my feet couldn't touch the bloody ground! I hear all you tall buggers casting doubt about the 2015's lowered seat height spoiling the presence of the thing - but one and a half inches? REALLY?! I've been wagging my my little short arse like a dog with two tails since I sat on one of the pre-production mock-ups at the NEC last November. And a bouncer had to drag me away from one at the Excel on Saturday! I've put my name down for a test ride .... I'm just struggling a bit to justify £16K+ for a bike - and that's BEFORE I start messing with the thing and adding sparkly blingy bits!...
I'm vertically challenged too! 2010 model with slightly lower touring seat , still a little struggle at times to put a sure foot on the floor Don't worry about it, just get one bought, ull enjoy riding it that much you won't want to stop anyway!! lol
David998 I sat on one at the show, with just the seat in the lowest position, inside leg for me 30" (I am about 5'6") it was on a stand with ignition off so very little movement on suspension it was much lower for me, both feet touched the ground, now if you take it off stand, and engine running, and settings on sky hook in low suspension setting, with the LOW seat fitted with my Daytona boots (the kiddy raised ones ) I actually think I would get both balls of feet on the ground, that for me is a huge difference, and the main reason I am thinking about changing my 1 yr old one for a new one, (will be just over 1 yr by then) I agree it is a lot of money, but it is the best bike on the road in my view as an all rounder, and the upgrades on the new one over my 2014 model are everything I would have wanted on mine, smoother low revs, slightly more more power and torque never to be Sneezed at, headlights going around corners, few other minor ones too, ABS Breaking on Corners may never need it, may save your life the one time you do need it. I will not buy one until ridden if I do, but I know I prob will. I still will test the new BMW 100 XR ( I think it is called that, pissed not at show)
I AM very close to deciding to splash out if I'm honest, but a test ride is important and I won't make up my mind until then. At least I can actually sit on the damned thing and feel safe with the amount of touchy footy I can at last do on these bikes with the new model. Of course with a full tank of petrol and 12 stone of ugly flesh on top of it, it should relax even closer to the tarmac if it's set up with the right mode setting thingies and the seat at it's lowest! I'm excited if I'm honest! But I am NOT going to work out exactly how much I'll part with when I get all the important blingy bits! Alright, I already have. It's 7ucking obscene! It's gonna be substantially more than I paid for my 3yr old ex fleet, low mileage BMW 5 series nearly ten years ago - and nearly DOUBLE what I paid for my new 2011 Speed Triple! I'm gonna have a serious guilt trip if I get one! :Bawling:. I might also have to sell the 998s because I can't justify having three bikes in the garage!.... oh this tangled web of which we weave ourselves....
The truth is in the seating I suppose? I haven't had the chance to check the new bike out but the seat height is definitely key to buying the new bike for me. Whether the lowering will prove decisive will come out during a decent test ride I'd suggest? I'm 6ft with a longish inside leg so the opposite of some of you who have already posted by the way.
Thing is with the seating being lower is good, but it is easy to make it taller / wider, but not lower once it is in the lowest and narrowest position etc.