If anybody has pics of the heatshield , what order the spacers and washers go in , much appreciated I forget lol I am nearly sure it had a spring on there
Rider , what bracket do you use to secure the battery , it is alot smaller I got it for my Monster M900 97 and gave it back , did not want the hassle of trying to secure it , was tiny in comparsion
Hey Bit of a funny one, I read a few threads on same issues but nobody was any the wiser I am driving her Daily for 1.5 weeks , last week on the way home she started hesitating , would not go over 3.5/4K rpm Taught I was going to be left on the side of the road , then she started running as normal Today is the 2nd time I drove her since it happened Bike is cold , new fuel, service is up to date She starts hesitating at 4k rpm , twist the throttle and she wants to die; periodically she just all of a sudden goes She does not sound 100% Intermittently she runs as normal , similar symptoms to last week As she gets warmer the hesitation goes up the rev band to 5K ; can drop back to 4K Normally the rpm counter sits rock solid on 1K on idle , but I noticed it ticks back and forth deom 1K to 1.2K on idle during these syptoms Any idea's? I read owners changing plugs, oil, fuel filters, cleaning out fuel lines/tank Tank was POR treated about 1.5 years ago , looks good inside Any thread I read , seems to point to the ECU Might ACF50 the electrics , but I only WD40 them to get any moisture out
I have a 999, which is designed for this smaller size of battery but smaller shouldn’t be a problem, it’s just a matter of packing it out accordingly. Polystyrene or polyurethane foam should be fine, as would balsa.
It also makes a hiss sound dead on 4K rpm, bike at idle , not under load Disappears under 4K and over 4k
It also makes a hiss sound dead on 4K rpm, bike at idle , not under load Disappears under 4K and over 4k
I did Steve ; I put some injector cleaner in her and did an italian tune up at a track day She is running sweet ever since , the hiss sound on 4K rpm , slowly disappeared but recently I am starting to hear it creep back in As far as I know , only thing under pressure is the fuel filter ; will swap it out shortly for a new one
Depending how bad yours are , they may need to go to a polishers with the appropriate equipment Get some White Diamond and a lint free cloth , apply white diamond , leave for 10mins after application , take off with lint free cloth , go again You will have a good idea if you can do them by hand without killing yourself If you did get them professionally polished , use white diamond and lint free cloth to seal, protect and clean them