New Road Projects In England

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Attila, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Yes I'm sure your right. And that's absolutely fine by me, especially fusion research. Its the thought of getting rid of the warheads and handing politicians extra money to improve society with that makes me cringe.
  2. Umm, dunno who Mr Garrison is. I was using one of those clown bikes with offset wheel hubs.
  3. Their moral backbone, cheese eating surrender monkeys.

    I actually love France and the french.
  4. Public spending, sooner or later; just like in Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain and one or two others including the UK after the next election.
  5. Well, try living in Bristol - that red trousered c**t of a mayor continues to stangle the roads. They put useless cycle tracks everywhere - they get a grant (I think they got close to 300,000 quid last week or something stupid like that) and they'll spend it on more useless cycle tracks - the busiest roundabout in central Bristol is currently having a lane removed...they took an entire lane out of the road outside my daughters school (St Mary redcliffe) in Bristol for bikes.....ive not seen one on there - so in one foul swoop they've reduced the width of the road, taken out carparking and narrowed what was already old man worked for the council right up to his passing this year and he always said the council was run by the cycle Nazi's who thought they had the moral high ground to do what they want when they wanted to and whenever they proposed a new cycle track he opposed it. In busy traffic the time it takes to get from one side of Bristol to the other I could drive to London.
  6. Why wait till the next general election? France and the UK have a national debt that is just about identical when measured against GDP. I saw the UK going down the pan years ago and that is why I am here.
  7. Because any political party that mentions cuts in public spending between now and the election will risk scaring the horses.
  8. What cuts? Have there been any? All the politicians still seem to be labouring under the delusion that the deficit can be taxed away. The state isn't bankrupt because it doesn't collect enough taxes but because it is too big and spends too much money. And now Cameron wants to make things worse by borrowing billions more to bribe would-be Ukip voters with road building schemes. God save us from pre-election capital spending "investments".
    I can't understand what is "painful" about reducing the size, cost and reach of government. Raising taxes and increasing spending causes pain and misery as far as I'm concerned, not the other way round.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Or to grow the economy so that the deficit and debt falls as a percentage of GDP.

    Fat chance.

    We are doing better than France in that respect though.
  10. The social structure is screwed, funding for hospitals and the NHS in real terms down, funding for the police down, funding for social services down, funding for education down. They sell everything off for short term gain ( invariably far to cheaply) probation, postal service, utilities to the normal multi national corporations and we suffer long term.
    I pay corporation tax, income tax at 40% and VAT on everything I don't mind if it's spent wisely providing a welfare state, an education, an Nhs all to be proud of but it's not. It's wasted on ridiculous schemes like these.
    I absolutely despair for this country.
  11. We know you can't understand it. That has become all too obvious.
  12. Again I am struggling to understand this response ? As a opposed to being superficially intellectually superior. Why don't you explain your argument or is this again beneath you? You constantly make these statements whilst attempting to take the intellectual high ground without any validation. Please patronise me by explaining in simple terms why gimlet can't understand. It is neither obvious to me nor is it beneath me. As a consequence do you use the royal we? Meaning you or are you relating this to me? And the other plebs on this forum? If there are in fact others less educated and erudite then I ? Was that grammatically correct? As one of the plebiscite I'm unsure.
  13. Nice try at a wind-up. 6/10
  14. 6/10 you patronising git
  15. OK, I'll do you a favour - let's give you 7/10.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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