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1260 New Satnav

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by rotaxracer, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. Got an XT for my birthday so now have a zumo 590LM for sale, If anyone is looking.
    Currently loaded with 595 latest software with case and mount.

    Pm me if your interested
  2. I've been using my trusty old garmin GPSMAP 670c for years. Used to have it set up with weather radar overlay for some touring a few years ago. haven't upgraded because the new one is over $1000 and not touring as much. It will also load marine, aviation, survey, hiking, on and on
  3. How can you Laos 595 software? Harmon express doesn’t give you a choice. Current software I think is 3.30
  4. Not that it will be a bother to you but MyRouteApp has had a falling out with Google and the app no longer supports Google Maps. I have a feeling Google got greedy and MyRoute declined to be bullied. Andy
  5. Google Maps was dropped as an option on the free version about a year ago, leaving just the Standard map (very basic), OpenStreetMaps (a good alternative to Google Mapsfor local details esp. in towns) and Michelin Maps (my favorite for route planning). I'm not sure what routing algorithm is used in the free version of MyRouteApp. I always transfer both the route and tack into Basecamp and add shaping points as required to ensure the Basecamp route follows the track from MyRouteApp. The Basecamp feature which lets you step through the shaping / waypoints of a route at a high level of zone is very useful for tiding up MyRouteApp generate routes.
  6. Google Maps and Satellite View are still there on the paid for version along with Street View in relevant countries. Additionally it runs HERE routing algorithm as an option, this is the same as Garmin. IMHO well worth the annual sub. Their app means I can, at a pinch, plan on my phone and also transfer to my new XT from there via Bluetooth. Any routes planned elsewhere, laptop, desktop PC or logged into MyRouteApp on any PC appear on my phone, as they're in the cloud, ready for export and sending to my GPS. It's wonderful. No real need for Basecamp any more with the tedious map updates, across desktop and laptop taking all those GB of space on both devices (especially the case with my travel notebook with limited SSD drive).
  7. I've just received my XT, but the high mount I had my Garmin 395 on doesn't fit the XT in landscape orientation ! And the power connection doesn't plug into the bikes little plug that powers the unit up when you turn the bike on ! I'm a bit pissed off having to connect straight to the battery, surely thats a step backwards ?
    What mounts are you guys using with the new XT ?
  8. Peter G (RotaxRacer) had a very neat mount, I think it was Evotech?
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  9. Yeah I saw that and checked them out but they're sold out atm. I found another thread which mentioned a mount made by @Jamie Clare from this site that look solid. Does anyone make an adapter plate for the Ducati high level mount ?
    #69 Sprocker, Jun 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
  10. As Chris says I have the Evotech mount which seems to good for bounce! The XT is lighter than most Satnavs so that helps also. I used the factory power connection on the left side of the tank for power. The XT has a nice thin cable which is only for power.
  11. I'm going to cut the plug off the 395 and re-solder onto the XT leads so I can connect to the power plug on the bike you mention. I now remember having to do this when I fitted the 395 lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Seeing as you're talking about a high mount I guess you have an Multistrada of some flavour? Not sure , it's not in your profile, can't be arsed to trawl though some of your posts to find out. If you had a 395 on there before then you have the plug already. If you got the bike new then it comes with one already in the socket (it has a shrink wrapped tail), you use this to connect the sat nav of your choice. That's unless maybe you, or the previous owner, bought the Ducati branded 395? Not sure if that comes with the correct plug already attached. There are numerous different accessory connectors on bikes for different manufacturers, unless you buy a brand specific sat nav then you can't expect Garmin to provide a plug for yours.

    The 395 is the odd-ball in terms of the mount. All other Garmins, and many other brands besides, use the industry standard AMPs pattern. Quite why they used the pattern they did I don't know... You need a plate like the one that Desmo Dave sold, I don't think he's posted in a while though. He works/worked at Snells, might be worth giving them a call? Maybe someone else makes them now?

    I bought the Ducati mount that came with the plastic bracket/plate for the 395, same as yours, that part went in the bin and I used one of these plates to adapt it for an AMPs pattern. Typically Jamie brought out his mount the following week... This afternoon I removed my old Zumo 590, unsoldered the plug from the cradle for that and soldered this to the lead for the Zumo XT, heat shrink wrapped, routed the wiring and screwed the mount to the above plate (hole pattern the same as the 590 (and the three other Garmins I've owned prior to that). Jobs a good 'un, nice and neat powers up fine with the ignition. I have a run in the morning for a meeting so will test then.

    20200608_195328 (1).jpg 20200608_195558.jpg

    EDIT: can see fro your last post that you've now seen the light re the plug:upyeah:
    #72 Bumpkin, Jun 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
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  13. Yes , I have a 1260s multi. I've just messaged Desmo Dave to ask if he still makes them so thanks for the tip :)
    #73 Sprocker, Jun 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
  14. 605B34E9-4F1D-42FD-A6B1-9EB291BDB872.jpeg
    I think I have one! I don’t need it anymore.
    #74 rotaxracer, Jun 8, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
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  15. That's the one. You do need to bend the forks of the Ducati mount a bit wider for this to work. Happy to report that it does. Can't recall if mine came with the appropriate hardware (bolts and nuts) or I used what was supplied with the Ducati mount...
  16. I bought the top mounting plate off of Jamie Clare, which I mounted to the Ducati main part. I had to tweak the top arms a bit to fit, but other than that its fine.

    My XT turned up Thursday, fitted it Friday morning before heading out for a ride for the day.
    Compared to the 590 it is an improvement in many areas.
    There are a couple of negatives, one of which is the size of the right side tabs. They could do with being a bit smaller so they don't cover so much of the map area.
    I like the way there are a choice of ways to get routes on the nav unit now which is handy.
    I usually copy gpx files onto the sdhc card (with zumo connected to laptop), and this still works if plugged in.
    Or you can export a route to say dropbox. You can then click on this on your phone and 'send to'. I tried this with a gpx that had a weeks worth of day trips in it. It did work but took some time, so probably best transferring them one at a time.

    I really like the way you can pick a destination on your phone and transfer it to the nav. I could for example pick my mates address out of my phone book and transfer it, or pick a hotel from trip advisor / booking.com, or even a mates shared google location and go there.

    overall, Very impressed.
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Trip Advisor ratings on the search results are good too.
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  18. I'll buy it off you if you're selling it :)
  19. and the fuel prices in the petrol station search, not that I usually worry.
    How well that works when abroad will be interesting to find out. And how much data it uses.

    We have done a couple of trips where we simply look for a hotel at afternoon coffee stop using booking.com. If this was linked too it would be excellent.
  20. There is a Dutch website that guides you through the process. After the update garmin updates as normal. 595 gives you the extra features like curvy routes and better looking ui
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