@Jez900ie are you aware of the digital updates to the old Gatso cameras happening soon if not now in North Staffordshire? https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/tec...-targeting-stoke-on-trent-drivers/ar-AA1k0mMx
Had a few of these in south linc's for a while now and they just look like CCTV camera's. They are on yellow poles round here, but the "strategic" lack of hedge cutting round those poles by the council is pretty obvious to see to anyone with a minute cynical view of the world. One got hit last winter, council found the budget to fix that in a few days yet the 300 potholes leading to/from it seem to still be there
Yeah the Police are fcuking wonkers, Stoke council is going bankrupt, and one of the MPs is Guillis. A trinity of ballcoks -in my opinion...