'new' Top Gear - The Verdict

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, May 29, 2016.

  1. Don't get me wrong, as I'm truly sorry for what happened to Michael Schumacher, but to me, looks wise, I think she really looks like him...
  2. Sorry! What did you say?

    I would replace ginge with Vicki Butler Henderson.. Her Trellis frames not too bright, but there's something about her voice that makes me quiver... She could fiddle with my gearbox anytime she wanted too.. X
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  3. I actually found it watchable last night.

    God Damn it ! :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Me too! I think it's actually become better than the last shows by the old team (the first new show as a stinker though!). I used to watch the old ones but found them very stale and contrived.

    Matt on the bike (if you can call it that?) was an added bonus. They even put EJ into a good place to take the piesta. And the Aston track workout was great.......keep it coming and the audience will be back.
    #224 Kirky, Jun 22, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  5. watched the first one,, truly abysmal , so bad that i didnt even bother watching the second,, watched the third which was actually and surprisingly quite good ( due to the calibre of the cars involved rather than the presentation ) , and then this weeks which was pretty mediocre ,, all in all i guess similar in quality to the old show..
  6. I quite enjoyed this weeks

    Still can't stand that bloody woman Sabine so freekin annoying
    Hehehe screech hehehe think she fancies Chris
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. I think it's getting better each episode, less Chris Evans and more from the others, Sabine is quite blah but ok

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  8. I fancy her too but then I'm a tart, as I fancy everyone... X
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Just watched the second... Definitely getting better...

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  10. The BBC are trying to justify the poor viewing figures by claiming the public's viewing habits have changed and you need to include catch up TV statistics to get a more representative figure. Clasping at straws or what ? Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. What annoys me about it are two things.. The fact that it's a near copy of the original, think outside the box guys! And seeing mr Evans allegedly getting it all sideways with power slides drifts etc.. Sorry but I don't think so.. Bit of cut and pasting going on me thinking..

    Mind you having said that it used to make me laugh when the orig team used to race like a Ferrari against a train or similar and the guys where I work would say wow did you see TG last night that race across Europe with the car against the train, it was so close at the finish.... Eh no! Do they not think that they have to stop to get all those fantastic front and backend shots of the Ferrari creating a symphony as it rolls throu a Swiss tunnel .. They prob have to stop many times to re shoot shots or get the lighting oh so good... And of course then there's makeup!
    But it makes great TV.. Or at least it used too..
  12. Apparently what they used to do is film most of the in-car footage during an actual race. They would then go back and do all the other shots they need, otherwise they would have to stop and start and wait for the film crew. I'm not saying that the races were 100% real, but they weren't as false as you intimated. A 24 hour race across Europe would take an additional 2 days of filming either before or after the race. If the race was UK to Italy the additional filming was done on the way back. If the race was the other way they'd do the additional shots on the way out.
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  13. Didn't watch it...
    Don't care... Won't be watching until that irritating ginger prick is removed...
    Bring on "The Grand Tour" !
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  14. Well, against my better judgement - and because there was nothing else on worth watching - I watched the last episode of the series...
    (And why was it a series of only six episodes anyway? Not really a vote of confidence from the BBC...)
    So what I learnt is that a boring bloke knows nothing about the recent history of Honda and thinks that the NSX brakes are worked by Instagram, and that another boring bloke knows absolutely nothing about the history of the Ford Mustang and thinks that a right-hand-drive version could possibly be the "Mustang for Europe" - and I thought we were the only European country the drives on the left... ?
    Then the ginger freak twittered on about how much rebuilt sports-cars cost.
    Wooden, scripted, boring... If the previous version had "lost its way" - as some people have claimed - the current series has never had a way to start with.
    Apparently LeBlanc has already said he will not do another series if Evans is in it...

    Note to BBC - PLEASE do not make another series of this rubbish !
    • Like Like x 1
  15. well could not dissagree more,,,, was very sceptical to begin with having lost all respect for the prev series / presenters but this series has been pretty good, with some very good cars and some good filming,, not a fan of any of the presenters or the corny scripts and always turn over during the star bitty , but this series has been much more car orientated and less fantasy than before,,,,,,,,,,,,( i think the bit about Instigram was supposed to be funny...)
  16. So - you don't like the presenters, you don't like the script, and you dislike the part of the show with guests so much that you switch it off... But apart from that it's OK ? Hardly a ringing endorsement...
    This is what the problem is - this series has not been Top Gear, it's been TGI Friday with cars. If the BBC want to make a car show, then fine, get on with it. Top Gear hasn't been a car show since Clarkson, Hammond and May first got together; it was entertainment with cars included.
    What the BBC has come up with is a pale imitation - no better than Fifth Gear ( in fact worse - at least VBH and Tiff Needel know what they're talking about ). The BBC have proved, beyond all doubt, that they had no concept of what made Top Gear so popular, and the viewing figures confirm that.
    And the fact that they are still using speeded up film of Evans driving speaks volumes...

  17. Was Sabine on holiday for this one
  18. no , she was there, in body anyway as only managed about 3 words !!
  19. there is a small football tournament going on at the moment thats probably taken at least half their viewers each sunday for the last 4 weeks

    lets face it the old one was hardly competing against television gold on the other channels was it - i only watched it when there was f*ck all else on tbh
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. My viewing habits have changed, I don't watch top gear anymore as I can't stand evans. I may have mentioned that before? :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:
    Obviously someone with power at the BBC has a soft spot for him, shame we are all paying for the talent less Gobshites lifestyle....... Maybe we need a referendum?
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