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News today. My rant about spoilt brat.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nothingbettertodo, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Wow, that is a horrible statistic, one I didn't know. He did make it back.
  2. Where did he go in the tank? Did he meet my granddad?
  3. I think he sat in the front.

    He mentioned something about some nutters on horses waving sabres at him. Was your grandad one of them?

    Seriously though Luca, I'm not sure. I seem to recall my mum mentioning Russia, so probably Eastern Front rather than Poland.
  4. No he was just a foot soldier with special gun. Most grand dads in tanks that meet soldiers with that weapon at the start of ww2 never seen their families afterwards.
    Well as per our history books that is.

    Wz. 35 anti-tank rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. that was fascinating Lucaz, thanks
  6. Well, I'm very glad my grandad didn't meet your grandad then Luca!

    I've been doing some research, my grandad was Austrian, so was probably conscripted into the 9th Panzer Division. 9th Panzer Division (Wehrmacht) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    So he could have been in Poland I suppose.
  7. Well I guess any two soldiers from opposing sides prefer not to meet.

    Jerry there is entire story relating to that gun and units that carried it. Assuming our version of history is more accurate ....

    During initial 1st week of invasion German offensive was halted, Germans might have head more tanks and soldiers but they did not anticipate that rifle existence plus armoured trains that in it self were not new thing but the way they were commanded was apparently brilliant.

    Many German tanks were taken over by polish units using those guns. While entire panzer divisions were wiped out by the trains. Mainly because those train operators were ambushing the divisions! I mean a ambush with a train FFS. Germans were bombing the tracks to stop them however those trains were equipped with track laying equipment so they did slow them down but not stop them.
  8. And now I have the train chase from Wallace and Gromit running through my head :biggrin:
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  9. It's a sad, but true indictment of the British Army, that whilst 99% of troops serve the country with distinction, honour and unparalleled sacrifice some do not.

    i think if people know what went on in Ireland in the name of Britain, they would be astonished. Whether that be the Back and Tans, the murderers of Bloody Sunday, or even just the plain fact that even the late 1960s, democracy did not exist in Northern Ireland.

    I knew a fella who was a prison governed in Northern Ireland. Prior to that he was a police officer and on duty at Bloody Sunday. He quit the force, as in his words he got fed up "charging the Catholics", who were doing nothing more than engaging in peaceful process. He also said if he grew up in a different area he too could have ended up in the pIRA.

    so I can understand why someone may choose not to wear one. Some terrible things happened, but he would have to have good reason.
  10. im not really looking to get into all the religious shite that goes on over here but,,,,,,,,i really feel that if this guy was asked to play british bulldog he would refuse because it containes the word british. i live in a country that its frowned on to fly your national flag for fear of offending someone now imagine how much thought went into not wearing the poppy and knowing how much offence you are going to cause, you really must be filled with such hatred to carry this out.if i was a fan of his club i would not be paying to watch this person play. this is just my thoughts i really have no time for any biggots from any side of the religeous divide......
    ps our relatives have fought and died to give us the right to decide either to wear or not to wear a poppy,but i believe they didnt give their lives so it can be used as a political weapon.
  11. There has been a massive blow up this week about that and also that kid who posted up a photo of him burning a poppy...

    One half utterly horrified by his actions.
    One half one half saying but hang on freedom of speech.

    I have upmost respect for anyone who fought and gave up everything including lives for our country.
    And for those who still fight.

    However I also believe everybody has a right to free speech and expression even if I hate what they have said or done.

    It's a tricky one indeed..
    Where do you draw the line :(

    I hate seeing disrespect to war veterans .
    Although we try and educate the youngsters today about the wars and sacrifices our families made whatever side we where on . With each generation even now it's getting watered down so fast.
    It's alarming.
  12. He has every right to not wear a poppy.

    I have every right to despise him for not doing so.
  13. Thing is about freedom of speech - sure it's great. But you also have a right to expect good manners, especially from individuals in the public eye. Let's face it, if I refused to wear a poppy, no one would give a damn. They wouldn't even know about it.

    It's also a generational thing. Most of the parents of the people on here are old enough to have grown up in the war and may even have fought in it. For the yoof of today, it's just a piece of history, perhaps no more real than the Battle of Waterloo is to us. Thus they probably don't get the whole offence thing in any real way.
  14. I respect war veterans, and I'm also a pacifist, and I will never wear a poppy as I feel strongly that the majority of wars are about power, politics and religion. I also think this is becoming an example of political correctness and a fear of upsetting the "poppy police", especially when you see contestants on X factor wearing custom versions of them! Finally, if your government has asked you to fight in their war then they should have the responsibility to look after you financially when you return?

    Interesting article here:
    Red, white, or none at all? The great poppy debate - This Britain - UK - The Independent
    #34 Twin4me, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
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  15. Poppies, yellow ribbons, pink ribbons, all manner or wristbands. Cancer charities, children's charities, the fireman's benevolent fund, the list goes on and on. Always someone wanting a donation to some cause or other. Can't support them all or I would be skint. Surely its a personal choice to display support for anything. TBH I think this whole "heroes" is getting out of hand (waits for the haters), yes they do a great job, as do the other services (speed camera coppers excepted), but to be real they knew what they were signing up for, or did they expect to practice at the tax payers expense for the whole of their army life and retire on a inflation proof pension at 45?

  16. If you read The Junior Officers' Reading Club: Killing Time and Fighting Wars: Amazon.co.uk: Patrick Hennessey: Books , it become apparent that there are people who want to run around with guns, and having learnt how to do it, want to use live ammunition on other people. You don't join the army these days and get surprised when you go to Afghanistan - that's pretty much what you decide you want to do when you join up.

    So is it all about serving Queen and country? I have my doubts. Both Iraq and Afghan wars were avoidable and will have achieved pretty much nothing. I think it is more about playing in tanks and helicopters and having more excitement than a 9 to 5. I admire their bravery, but it all seems so pointless, somehow. If someone told you that the best thing you could do for Queen and country was work in a coal mine, or be an office clerk or something, would there be so many people keen to do it? So, altruism?
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  17. i am from Northern Ireland, and some of you should realise that he chose not to wear it and then get abuse from strangers like yourselves. Or, wear it and have to go home and be alienated by his nieghbours, locals, supporters etc.. as the poppy to them represents the very people who came over to Derry in the 70's and killed their relatives for no other reason than it was only the army that was armed on the day.

    I am not a bigot, and have sympathy for today's soldiers fighting wars they should not be in, but I wouldnt wear a poppy for 3 reasons...
    1. i dont wear symbols to support anyone
    2. in Northen Ireland such symbols highlight who/what you are and your beliefs which leaves you open to the unexpected
    3. where I live i would have my property targeted for just wearing one
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  18. That all seems quite reasonable to me.
  19. Isn't it time we forgot the war?

    I don't mean wipe it from our memories, but accept that it is just another history lesson for anyone under retirement age. Many brits died in many wars long before the first world war, and what do we wheel out every year in remembrance to them..? Nothing, is the answer. Any person who has fought for our freedom deserves to be remembered, but they can be remembered without having to purchase an Indian-made poppy...
  20. Seeing the amount of Indians who gave us a hand ans subsequently snuffed it, once we'd colonised them, buying their poppies seems the least we could do.

    I think that WW1 and WW2 are the ones to remember, because they were the mechanisation and industrialisation of death. In particular, I don't think there has ever been a greater hell on earth than the trenches in WW1. I just can't conceive of how gruesome it must have been.
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