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Nigella Christmas

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wantz1, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. I'd rather lick wasps!
  2. :smile:
  3. yes, im on my way again

    bbc 2 - nigella doing italian until 9 :upyeah:
  4. Then shove them up my arse!
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Have you seen Nigella recently (not a repeat programme)?? She has dieted bigtime and looks hot. I definately would, but only for her benefit...
  6. I would anyway.
  7. That's such a good point.
    The fashion industry is completely run by women and gays. As if they would know what men would like females to look like...

    I suspect the only normal heterosexual men are the photographers, but as they are shooting to order, so to speak, they aren't going to decide much on how the clothes are presented.
  8. id smash her back door in.......and video me doing it.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. I went into WH Smiths to get a book for the wife.
    I noticed Nigella books on the Top shelf.
    I thought "How appropriate", lol. :biggrin:
  10. I thought all men liked tall skinny blondes! That's all I hear blokes go on about ...
    My ex husband used to go on and on ..,
    I had enough and got divorced :) told him to piss off and find one then :)

    He then married a short fatter then me brown haired woman :) who took him for everything I hear ... I didn't take a penny !!!
    Best move I ever made!

    I think Nigellas lovely :)
    Mind you if I was Her I'd be flicking cake mix at some poor man doing the lighting :)
  11. Never mind smashing her back doors in ( how jolly rude !) I think Nigella would be walking up and down you lot in heels and a bra ( she says she uses her treadmill in just her bra!).
    And getting you with salad tongs and whipping you with liquorice laces ... She'd eat you lot alive ffs :)

  12. she can eat me anytime :upyeah:
  13. You do know her real names Nigel?
  14. im popping round hers later to try her mince pies out for size
  15. A myth perpetuated entirely by women.

    Men go through a mental check-list, and it's the same for every man. It goes like this:



    That's it...
  16. Not exactly Fig........tell the truth........



    One head........check.......

    That's it. :wink:
  17. I thought it was

    Pulse check ....., yes bonus!
    No pulse oh what the hell nobody will find out !
  18. That's what Jimmy Savile thought.
  19. You mean, she's really her dad in disguise?..OMG.... :eek:
  20. Picky, ain't ya...
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