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Nigella Florida Snow snorter or ex hubby revenge

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Isnt that why they are found not guilty (or is that innocent?!) as jury believed they had permission to spend
  2. I think it's a case of more money than sense.In the first instance Saatchis accountant said he didn't pick up on the amounts being spent on the credit cards because 'we were busy engaged on other company business and didn't have the time to check the credit card bills,we just paid them'.
    Perhaps £600k to them is just small change in the bank?
    As for the sisters-nice little earner.They will be selling their 'True Story' next for a mint of money.

  3. Yeah, I can just imagine all the families gathered round their screens every evening, all eager to see what the latest friendly gossip from a bikers forum may be.
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  4. Saatchi is playing a very smart game, the criminal case to smear Nigella and the civil case to hit the sisters.
  5. In a way I'm quite glad Saatchi has proved himself still capable of twisting an audience. He's worth every penny folks...
  6. I certainly wouldn't like to mess with him, but then I am unlikely ever to even meet him.

    It is a case of mutually assured destruction.
  7. a kick in the nuts will still drop him
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  8. I would like to smear Nigella...........
  9. :eek:

    Stressed! Think of the families! You've ruined their Christmas. Ruined!

  10. Yip, didn't do Kate Moss much harm in the long run.
  11. Back onto my favourite topic.

    if they are not guilty, won't HMRC be looking for 40% of the value of their expenditure, since it was gained through their employment by nigella and saatchi?
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  12. good point
  13. And Nigella wasn't actually on trial,the girls where.So not worth taking anyone to court if you're a celeb as you will be destroyed if you dare too,thanks to peoples obsession to pursue some who have more than others.
  14. I've. Never sniffed coke, but would do off her... Well, I'm sure you can imagine!...
  15. Apparently Nigella's got a big series coming up in America next year, so she won't have to worry where her next hit is coming from...
  16. Depends. If the view is that the money was in the form of cash or credit paid to the sisters, rather than goods purchased for the sisters by the employer, it may be that the tax will be sought from Nigella and Saatchi as unpaid PAYE deductions. Nice bit of insult to injury, that.
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  17. Doesn't matter what it was, if it's a benefit in kind, meal voucher or Bentley, it's taxable to employee

    See plod are having a quiet Xmas, seems they are investigating Nigella for drug taking. That should help clean the streets up *rollseyes*
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  18. tell you what though, Nigella as a stoner explains a lot
    gammon cooked in cola, and all that goosefat

    executive class munchies
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