feck em old yin, they make take our lives but they will never take our energy....oh, hang on.... bit to "tribal" maybe. sensitive bunch aint they? first floating wind farm, first successful sub sea turbine, all developed up here with big help from local universities the EU and scot gov. regularly meting and exceeding domestic demand. despite the power company's reluctance and delay in installing sub see connectors. ie doable. its not a competition just a fact. and cheaper and oh so much safer than nuclear. for me its no real biggie having big feck off generators on standby. they make a cracking noise on start up too .
Compromise. How about if Essex fills its coast with a forest of wind turbines but buys Scottish oil to to keep the acres of diesel back-up generators going which prevent the grid from crashing for the majority of the time when the turbines are doing nothing. Eco-fantasists can gurgle contentedly into their mung beans, maintaining the delusion that they're saving the planet, Scotchland keeps enough oil revenue trickling in to keep SNP supporters on their barstools in the Giro Arms and Essex goes to work as usual and makes some money. Everybody happy and no one will notice any difference.
Really ? I thought the Essex lot were either to busy partying, appearing on this way is Essex or big brother.
With battery tech coming on a bit standby sets no longer need to be running on spinning reserve. Some of the aero derivatives are now using large battery packs alongside the turbines. Something like an LM 6000, based on the CF6 I think, will kick out 40MW plus. So when the demand is called for the grid starts sucking on the batteries, through invertors, and in the meantime the engine starts, once it's up to speed and synchs to the bars it takes the load. When the grid no longer needs the generation, the set runs a little longer to charge the batteries back up, or the batteries can be charged off the grid and so on.
ah yes old jock, the old lm6000 hooked up to the cf6. yip good stuff....... i'm more of a F.M. 5000 kind of guy myself.
everything has to be paid for. at the mo it feels like the tax payer pays for invention, investment and risk but the companies take the profit.
It does seem to be the British way sadly, no matter what the party. The charging leading upto the ban will probably be more based around the need for the infrastructure and it's cost. We had the same with the Dartford bridge. We were told once it has paid for itself it would become free, it paid for itself in 2003 and is now owned by a French company and we are still paying. Had they announced all diesel cars to be banned from 2025, all petrol cars by 2030 but allowing hybrids and electrics to remain with a review of the actual drops in pollution at 2040, then we could have seen a genuine and related review of effect, cause and results of the change. Instead they listened to the loons claim 40,000 die through pollution without asking the loons to break down just what the pollution was they were claiming.
well, if the loons where to say you will die of drowning within the next 100years would that be enough to convince the southern british? because sunshine, thats yer future, that or a clunk over the heed with a stale haggis if you ever try claiming right to my acreage.
It's not that the loons are saying it fin, it's that they are deliberately staying vague. Ask anyone of them, are you saying car pollution is killing 40,000 people and see what answer you get, you will not get a straight answer because they know it's not true Partly because they refuse to take other things into account, people are fatter in the U.K. than they have ever been, they are less fitter than they have ever been and we have had massive rises in people claiming allergies and breathing difficulties, asthma. tia's, obesity, etc and these increases are not just in cities with heavy smog My point is that it is a death list where cars are only part of the problem but believe the loons and when all the cars are gone, we will all get healthy again which is pure lies and bunkum. Diesels need to be gone, most people seem to agree with that, I have no issue with that, True solar may help down south and a waste of time north of the border as the weather seems to be as gloomy as some of it's people I wonder if duke is a Scot? but lets take incremental steps that can be measured by facts and not emotive lies and car pollution killing 40,000 people a year is a lie God forbid climbing on your acreage fin, I shudder to think where its been, those poor sheep
shows how little you know about solar. and the hours of sunlight available north south east and west.
I think I can safely say that I will not die of drowning in 100 years time. This global warming nonsense is being overplayed Fin.
Maybe the global elites have decided that as hydrocarbon is the only way they can power their private jets that some means of persuading the riff raff to stop using it is needed and they invented global warming as a justification, with the added bonus that they could introduce green taxes at the same time
I wonder what the proposals are for the four million homes using oil (diesel, more or less) for water and central heating? Perhaps homeowners will be made to fit giant lithium-ion batteries in the kitchens - or build an extension to the house (more Planning and Building Regulation fees, please). I can foresee the future - ancient rusty petrol and diesel cars being kept running at all costs while driving knee deep in horseshite and cyclists in Lycra taking over the roads where there is no horseshite (oh, they have already done that, haven't they?); plus farm and construction vehicles and the aircraft indudtry having a monopoly on the diesel based fuel stocks. All at the same time as the general population are out gathering twigs and branches to put in their woodburners to keep warm (if they haven't been banned as well). Livestock like cattle will be culled and then banned as they produce serious quantities of methane, so no more milk and steaks for us - back to eating grass, I guess.
The only reason why the Southerners might drown is because Scotland is too heavy - so its all Fin's fault.