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No More I.c. Vehicles From 2040!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 900streetfighter, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Yeah, wings over sumerzet is quite addictive even though not accurate :heart:
  2. Strangely, that actually makes sense and would not surprise me.....:rolleyes:
  3. show me where its not accurate. and bearuing in mind there is over 4000 threads. there must b one or two you could provide.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  4. If Scotland was too heavy, would that not lift the South out of the water ??
  5. Actually, home oil is worse than diesel as it has not been through the Scanfining process that reduces sulphur, so its even more important that these 4 million go cold this winter, ya know, take one for the team, for us....:upyeah:
  6. Scotland is still rising after the ice age. in every way tbh.
    the south of britain is sinking. who would of thought shit weighed that much?
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  7. Don't forget, funm, you're a brexiteer now, too. We all are, after the referendum!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Does all this really matter to Scotland ? I mean really ? Have they got cars and electricity up there yet ??
    We thought you's lot were still in caves ?
  9. Take away cooking oil and cheese. Funnily enough I saw this where it shows hundreds of millions and for some time, poored into new battery technology by the government who holds many shares, in new battery technology https://www.theguardian.com/busines...teries-will-be-key-to-uks-new-energy-strategy

    We could be like Cuba but without the sunshine or the ability to dance properly. Lycra is a sure sign of a vegan keenwah swilling smoothie activists who think red lights do not apply to them, they be the devils people

    You won't be allowed to collect twigs as that will be body shaming tree trunks

    But how will they contour their Bentley seats?

    There is a positive here, whilst electric cars maybe fast accelerating and quiet I'm not sure about the torque capacity on a run, yep you guessed it, caravans. could we about to see the end of the caravan? No more 5 mile tail backs, people trying to reverse and hit everything in sight, no more green and pleasant land filled with nappies, leylandi and rubble, no more "i aint moving till I get a court order"
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Chuckles to oneself and bemoans the missing *fishing smiley*
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. They keep sending all the scots they don't want, down here
  12. [​IMG]
  13. hmm, left the EU already have we? *smug grin*
    maybe that was the inaccuracy the noob was referring to?
    still waiting. noob.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Silly funm. Brexit is a process as well as a goal.

    You really should splash out and buy the second brain cell upgrade you have been promising yourself. Your shortfall of intellect is letting you down here on the forums, even if it doesn't seem terribly relevant where you are, in Northern Britain.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I might be some time fin, the translator isn't available till tomorrow but just as a snippet, his latest apology https://wingsoverscotland.com/slight-reprise/

    or this one I'd value your input on https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/3947/jonathan-rimmer-we-need-to-talk-about-wings-over-scotland

    Another thing about electric only cars and caravans, for the free campers like pikeys and tight arses who refuse to pay camp site fee's, how will they recharge their cars if generators being petrol/diesel based too so will be banned
    #176 noobie, Jul 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. From that article

    “Energy, for the last 100 years, for good reasons, we’ve rationed the consumption of [because] it’s been very expensive and environmentally-damaging to consume fossil fuels. [But] given the possibilities we are on the cusp of at the moment, we might move to a world where energy is clean and abundant,” said the business secretary.

    This is news to me, I thought that in the main part energy has been cheap and widely available, but it gives an indication of where this is all going. We may joke about certain aspects of energy policy, or lack of, but are they telling us the whole truth?
  17. The thing that is puzzling me at the moment about this is, all the chatter has been about saving the enviroment and figures are being thrown about that are only half of the figures, only the bad is being promoted

    Emission testing where there was none before, car tax based on emissions removing many bigger engines, engines being made leaner, injection systems reducing emissions on vehicles, more electric and hybrid vehicles than ever before

    double glazing, insulation improvements, better boilers with less emissions, energy bulbs on homes and business premises, Solar panels on peoples roof etc

    More people on the trains and public transport , leaner airplane engines

    and these are just some of the massive advances that has reduced damage to the environment, emissions reduction, ozone effecting gasses reduction etc etc but if you listen to the soundbyte of the current day, none of this makes any difference?
    #179 noobie, Jul 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 2

  18. I think we all know the answer to that eh.....
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