No riding bike for 4- 6 weeks :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Best wishes Mel, hope it all goes ok.
    If you've not watched Breaking Bad yet, you're in for a treat!
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  2. All the best Mel! :upyeah:
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  3. Breaking Bad is awesome!!
  4. Fingers crossed for you!
    I am sure it will all go well and you'll have a great 2014!

    Best of luck!
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  5. A Netflix subscription will save you!

    All the very best Mel. On the plus side at least you're not getting it done in the summer when you could be riding on dry roads and in sunshine! :smile:
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  6. Good luck Melanie, as the rest say, at least it's winter.

    And I can think of worse places to be than in a room full of ladies in their nightwear :tongue:.....Oh hang on, that doesn't work for you :biggrin:
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  7. I'll be thinking of you, Mel.
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  8. Best wishes for a speedy recovery
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  9. All the very best Mel.Will be thinking of and wishing very good things for you.
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  10. Sorry to hear you aren't well... Best wishes for a speedy recovery... I'm sure you'll be fine - you're a tough lady !
  11. Sorry Mel, I missed this earlier ------ Hope it all goes well.

  12. Hope all has gone well, Mel.

    Sending you some virtual flowers, choccies, grapes and Lucozade (not the Polish type)

    Speedy recovery x
  13. Good luck... [​IMG]
  14. Hope all goes/has gone well, and that you're back on two wheels soon.

    Hope you've got good earplugs/MP3 player to drown out the sounds of cupboard lady and your other fellow patients.
  15. Hope all has gone well, get well soon, take every opportunity to sleep and recover, summers not until 26th July so no need to rush :upyeah:
  16. GWS,All the best.
  17. Hope you are now out of surgery and starting the road to recovery. All the best for a speedy return to full fitness!
  18. crikey mel hope you get sorted
    fair worried when had my ops last year
    but thought at least they found what was wrong and in the end was glad i had it done
    so dont think of the pain and think of getting back on two wheels :upyeah:
  19. Thinking of you.
  20. Get well soon Mel
    You will be out and about again before you know it

    Hope all went well
    Nothing on Facebook at the mo
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