No riding bike for 4- 6 weeks :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Well done Mel. Wishing you a speedy recovery. x
  2. At least you can move already, spent a 3 or 4 days strapped into a bed a few years ago, in the bed next to mine was an old boy who'd broken his pelvis, don't really know what else was wrong with him as the nurses were constantly having to clean him up, he just kept wetting himself & possibly more. All I knew was at least my sense of smell worked
  3. All the best He11cat
  4. Best wishes Melanie. I hope to see you again at the Lincoln Aviation Museum this year. A target to aim for ?
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  5. hope to see you at the rubber fetish swinging group outing next month mel.and remember all the female nurses are raving lesbians ( or did I dream this ? )
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  6. I have no interest in raving rubber lesbians :) lol I definitely a girl who likes chaps :) but if you could make sure the custard filled paddling pool is situated below the trapeze to break my fall I'd be most grateful :) :)
  7. I was doing ok ... Until I had visitors my family bless them.
    8 hours of questions I'm holding my staples together and my vocal cords are not working .
    Agony .

    I feel like I have been hit by a bus!

    The pain from moving my windpipe and vocal cords is hell .

    I sound like a tranny when I can manage a word or two "lol !!
  8. I have the "I want my bike " itch !
    I need my bike !!!
    Then this is not bad soon be on my bike..

    Got in wheel chair and bumped about and er can't see crash helmet on for a while !!

    Ten min drive home :( :(
    No way on bike for a few weeks .
    Il get there !!!!!
  9. Stick with it Mel, were all thinking of you :upyeah:
  10. All the best Mel. Fingers crossed for a swift recovery.:upyeah:
  11. Melanie, sending best wishes to get back on your bike soon (too cold now anyway).

    All the best. :smile:
  12. Good luck with your recovery, I'm sure you will be back on the bike when the weather gets better.
  13. Thank you :) I'm a determined creature :)
    Now just reading bike mags and still on. " breaking bad ! " :)
  14. Speedy recovery Melanie. Good timing for the op, missing out on some crap weather.
  15. Chin up Mel :upyeah: You'll be whipping around on your bikes in no time!!! :wink:
  16. Yay! Breaking Bad,... Hope you are doing well!!
  17. All the best. This kept me from doing anything for about 5 months....the surgeons call it a "full house" when you cut through everything.... DSC03065.jpg

  18. I had hip replacement surgery 2 weeks ago am getting around without crutches now, did about 3 miles on my pushbike today, ST2 will have to wait a little longer. Hope everything goes alright for you keep your chin up.
  19. Oh Mr Sofa you poor soul !
  20. Yeah , sometimes you wish they'd just bugger off . I used to tell the nurses if I couldn't be bothered ( lets be honest ) with someone and they would get rid of them for me . Sounds terrible but sometimes you just don't have what it takes to deal with visitors . The being run over by a bus feeling is about right .
    Best wishes
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