No riding bike for 4- 6 weeks :(

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. Why thank you....wasn't trying to hijack the thread....nostalgic (did that a few years ago) - yes it does spray everywhere like it does in the films....all over the new ceiling id just painted at the time...yey me.
  2. When I had my op on my back 8 years ago, I couldn't do anything never mind ride my bike for 3 months. And the first time I went on it was on a track day. I was shit because I'd been off the thing for ages and I was very wary of a 6" diam hole in my back, but nontheless I thoroughly enjoyed it :upyeah:

    back 020706 001.jpg

    back 020706 001.jpg
    #82 El Toro, Jan 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  3. Bet SWMBO was delighted at the whole idea.
  4. She was very supportive :smile:
  5. Yup I hit an artery in my arm once .. Jackson Pollock in Claret everywhere !
  6. I hurt and can't wash my hair :( :(
    Minger of the week!
    Just got more morphine hell yeah needed that
  7. So now you won't care about your hair... :smile:
  8. Nope !!!!! :) :) :)
  9. Glad the Op went well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I'm sure you'll be back on the Duc in no time... :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Thanks bored !!!!
  11. While in hospital everything with ex of 7 years ago has kicked off :(
    Looks like I have a battle to keep my bikes and this dump I rent is on..
    Never trust exs ..
  12. Chin up Hellcat! Weez all lovez ya!!
  13. Keep fighting Mel, surely it can only improve from here
  14. About 5 weeks to go .........
    Grrrrrrrrrr I don't like this
  15. Oh I still have no voice . I cAn just about whisper some things .
    I can't really talk .
    I'm able to growl like a cavewoman!
  16. how you doing mel
    managing to get about yet :smile:
  17. :upyeah:Speedy Recovery:upyeah:
  18. Yup I have you use a crutch outside as feel wobbly but indoors on carpet I'm ok pottering about.
    Staples out next week and my drain holes have sealed up great .

    As soon as I carry anything I get severe arm pain and shoulder pain . But I guess that's my body telling me to stop.

    The worst thing is I've lost my voice ( a lot of people like this !!! And at the moment I am known as Orville the duck ). My voice is odd .
    Bored :( want my bikes :(

    But I feel better then I originally though I would be and everyone days they are amazed at how I am doing .
    I got up as fast as I could and made myself do everything I could rather then not try. I'm very stubborn.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. called orville the duck ............
    so deduction is
    1/ squeeky voice
    2/ green hair
    3/somebodies hand stuck somewhere

    glad your getting about :upyeah:
  20. All the very best for a speedy but careful recovery.Then the sun will come out for you.
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