Inappropriate Speed ... speed that is unsafe for the given conditions on a road. 100mph on a clear carriageway with no junctions, slip roads or other traffic is still speeding, in law, but from a pragmatic point of view, it may not necessarily be "inappropriate" (except for a magistrate, of course). This is not the same as 100 mph on a carriageway where there is junction ahead or if there is other traffic on the road. "Inappropriate" speed can be a value well below the current legal speed limit for a given stretch of road. There may be temporary factors or perhaps even permanent features that make travelling at the legal speed limit dangerous. You can be at or below the legal limit but still travelling inappropriately fast. Speeding isn't simply a matter of comparing your speed to the speed limit of the stretch of road you're on. Ignoring that fact is, IMO, showing astonishing naivety and a frightening lack of road experience. Character traits that seem much in evidence in this thread. If you are made of rubber and always bounce after an impact, your sole concern can be the legalities of the issue or apportioning blame to the guilty party. If, like me, you don't tend to bounce, "safety" tends to trump "blame" in the pecking order of what I find to be important.
Hell No!!! far dangerous on a track everyone I know who has done track days seem to have accidents, not always their fault either, been to a few tracks days I was actually really shocked how many accidents there were, though most at Lydden.
no, it's still there - on Youtube. Just notice that David took his left hand off the handlebars just after he passed the silver Toyota Aygo which makes you think he conveyed something to the driver possibly.
I think Lydden is a brilliant Brands Hatch in some of our best results there - (but bestest at Snetterton and Pembrey). I don't mean track days, either.
The more I watch it, the more I thing he just wasnt paying attention. Probably thanked the toyota driver for pulling over and giving him room to pass. That distraction mightve been what did for him.
Lovely little track but one girl died there in a race I was in, and a good mate of mine died racing there a couple of years later. Don't think I will be going back
He said,she said,he said.For FFS guys,wind your necks in.Lets just take this back to reality.A loving mother has lost her son and agreed to allow the publication of this frankly painful video to allow others to learn irrespective of blame.Just try to imagine if it was you who got this news and the sudden reality.Just think of the poor sod who has to deliver this news.