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Norfolk Police Release Helmet Cam Footage Of Rtc That Killed The Rider

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. I like to think mine is more bravery than the other things mentioned @MrAliT ;)
  2. On a recent ride there was an advanced rider, blues fella, who was so far on the opposite side and came back so late in front of oncoming traffic, as well as most overtakes were not progressive but drifting, I looked away several rimes thinking he was imbedded in the front of the oncoming car. And thats with 'the best' training

    We can all ride like wankers at times.
  3. I have my family's initials stuck to the dash where I can see them....it makes me think twice before I do something rash...
  4. Just seen the Video and it is very upsetting yes,

    I am not going to get involved in a disussion about it but i think we all need to take time and think twice about our actions,

    a human life is a very fragile thing, and should be cherised

    i do hope he is now at peace and his family have started to rebuild there lives that have been torn to pieces that day.
  5. Videos of this kind provide useful information to those people whose powers of imagination are insufficient to envisage such scenarios without having them demonstrated visually.
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  6. I think both are useful tools to help you stay safe.

    It's good to be paranoid
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  7. Sadly this is an illustration of what hapens when you ride at 97mph in a 60 limit. There is no reason for the car driver to exepect the oncoming vehicle to be travelling at anything over 60. Obviously he misjudged the speed of the motorcycle - but there is only one person to blame for this accident and that's the rider.
    So - to all you people who think their riding ability is so high, and your reactions are so fast - this is the reality...
    I sympathise with the rider's family. I symapthise with the guy in the car who will spend the rest of his life knowing that he killed someone. But, sorry to say, I have no sympathy for the bike rider...
    "10mph faster and he would have been OK" ? maybe... But 30mph slower and he definitely would have been...
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  8. Would like to add to my post that I also feel deeply sorry for the car driver it's not nice what's happened to all parties involved and affected
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  9. Sympathy and condolences to the family. Will releasing this change anything? With me no. I haven't and won't ever watch it. It wouldn't change how I ride one iota but it might be in my head when I should be thinking about what I'm doing.
    I've had a bad road one involving a car pulling out, nearly killed me. Did it change me, no not really. Seen someone die just in front on track, Next meeting and race I pushed just as hard.
    Unfortunately people die every day, you have to have a 'it wont happen to me' attitude or you would never do anything with any risk in it.
    There are many horrible ways to peg it doing anything you do every day. I don't want to see a fatal video clip of all those just like I don't want to watch this.
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  10. Well, I watched it not because I'm a sick so and so, but I am interested in why these accidents occur.

    I draw only two conclusions from the video.........Bad riding and excessive speed on what is essentially a country road......Note the huge difference in speed between the cars being overtaken.

    IMO opinion the car driver had little opportunity to spot something hurtling towards him at that speed and the rider at that speed was obviously not being aware........IE Junction, cars etc etc.

    If you are going to ride like that, you have to spot everything that could cause a serious incident.....even a pigeon swooping out of a tree and hitting your helmet, or a fox or pheasant coming across the road from the trees could have you off.
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  11. OGR - maybe this sort of thing should be in your head when you are riding on a public road. If it had been in this rider's head maybe he wouldn't have hit a car head on at more than one and a half times the speed limit... A racetrack is different - but a road is not a racetrack, nor should it ever be used as one...
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  12. It is very upsetting to watch but HUGELY educational. I went through everything that happened in the run up to the impact and filed it away so that hopefully I won't make the same errors. God knows I have ridden like that when I was younger but I've always gotten away with it. I don't ride like that anymore specifically because a few close shaves taught me what could go wrong. Thanks and condolences to his brave, brave Mum. I think more than one rider on this forum alone has given serious consideration to how he rides because of this video and that was what this lady wanted.
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  13. ]
    Well, I suppose my powers of imagination to fully grasp the horror and the speed at which these things can happen are inadequate then. My failing I suppose. I also couldn't imagine that horrible yelp from the rider right before he hit the car. I tell you what though, nothing I could imagine could drive home the importance of safe riding/defensive riding/appropriate use of speed more than this video. So, for that, I am grateful.
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  14. Bikers have been risk takers and law breakers since before engines were fitted to two wheels. Dont spoil the fun now.
  15. that shock me up. i rode from my parents to work today country lanes did 90 few times but i know the roads but makes you think ,,actually i did have to avoid a pheasant as well but its the speed that's the killer
  16. @paulfastbikes I don't think it's the speed itself, it's where and when coupled with the speed. 97 on that road would have been fine if it was deserted but through active traffic, with cars waiting to turn across your path? Clearly not a good idea.
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  17. It is Sad and of late seems too common that Car drivers just poodle across junctions not really taking a lot of notice once they have made their decision.

    I have watched the video quite a few times, and frame by frame, as I want to understand it more, and quite Frankly I cannot for love nor money understand how the car did not see the bike, look how close the bike was to the junction before even the car crossed on to the bikes side of the road. It is an A class road, one would expect cars, bikes could and do travel at more than 60 MPH, Even if he had been in the same place at 60 mph, he would have still hit the car.
    He did not over take the car as quick as you would expect at the speed he was traveling so I would guess the car was doing around 60, and he was by then not that far from the junction.
    The Car turning clearly was not looking even at the time just before impact, as he made no attempt to accelerate or stop.

    I agree the Bike Rider should have slowed down approaching the Junction, when you see traffic there, but for me if you take away the cause there would never have been an accident in the first place. The Car driver for me is 90% to blame, But as a rider on a bike you must as some others have stated just assume no one sees you, even then not sure the outcome might have been that different in this case.

    I also think there is more to this than the Police are letting on.
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  18. It's amazing how similar, and how different it was from my experience. I got a very similar amount if warning - not really enough time to react. I do however remember thinking "aww, here we go" it's not something you would wish on anyone, even at half the speed I'm never going to walk completely normally again. What is interesting is that I feel no anger toward the person who caused my accident at all, in fact I feel bad for the inevitable guilt they gave had to suffer, but the (I'm assuming) more experienced driver in this clip should face the reality of what they have done.

    Of course, that's a no brainer, as I'm still alive.
    #58 philoldsmobile, Sep 5, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  19. The car driver didn't see the bike, for Christ's sake, because the bloody bike rider was going so fast that even though the car driver was probably doing the right thing by looking in mirrors, checking maneouvre, looking where he was going in split second glances, that the bike hurtled upon him while he was making his checks........it takes a second for the bike to be on the scene at that speed.

    You can't look at everything at the same time.....So at the speed the rider was going, neither could he.

    I can't blame the car driver in this incident.
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  20. I normally always side with the biker and I'v watched that clip a few times. 50/50 blame IMO on this one.

    Very sad though.
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