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Norfolk Police Release Helmet Cam Footage Of Rtc That Killed The Rider

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Al,
    The incident you mention was for my next door neighbors son Micheal, i only knew him in passing and always had a chat with him and his latest bike, really nice guy.
    The inquest is in a few weeks.
    His family are devastated, understandably and as his mum says it won't bring him back but it will answer some questions.

    Looks to be a similar incident.

    Ride safe folks

  2. No it doesn't. Hitting something at speed does.
  3. Hi Paul.......

    I can't comment in detail here on your neighbour's son's incident, other than speed near a junction appears to be the main issue again, regardless of who actually gets the blame in the end.

    Let's put it another way, I have previously been overtaken and then 'followed' two riders on that stretch of road and was astounded at the speeds used by them.......no caution at all three junctions along the road, one of which is almost impossible to see, but there are warning signs.

    At that one, in particular, I have experienced someone pulling out in front of a lorry which I was following.....I saw the car appear at the junction and guessed what was going to happen. A bike right behind me had already pulled out to overtake the lorry, but luckily he backed off because he saw me braking............if he hadn't, he would have ended up in the front of the car.
  4. I haven't seen the full video but I saw the TV news footage up to the moment of impact. It seems to me there is little point in apportioning blame here. The bike was travelling at 90 mph, the rider failed to notice either the junction, the car or both, or he saw them but chanced his arm because he was enjoying himself and maintained his speed. The car driver either failed to see the bike or underestimated the speed at which it was travelling and thought he had time to make the turn.
    We have all been that rider, we have all been that driver. There but for the grace of God have gone most of us if we're honest.
    Non-priority stream junctions of this type are extremely dangerous particularly when sited on fast, straight sections of road. I hate them.
    The rider's mother released this video to remind people of those dangers. Its a generous gesture in the circumstances. If even a handful of riders, and drivers, improve their roadcraft as a result it will have been worthwhile.
    • Like Like x 5
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. I am surprised that sound did not help play a part in this incident? you can generally hear bikes from quite a long way. away
  6. Gimlet what do you mean by "Non-priority stream junctions"
  7. If I've got my terminology right I mean the kind where traffic turning right across a busy carriageway is streamed into a waiting lane in the middle of the road.
  8. ahh ok, just when I read the word non - priority, comes to me as anyone has a right of way.
  9. Seems this Video has now gone Viral on Youtube, its one of the first Vids up there today when you enter You Tubes home page
  10. Yes it is getting a huge press, was on Radio 1 new beat yesterday, and they played sections of the audio of the video. I get the impression it will do more harm towards the motor cycle community than the car driver. It certainly seems in my view media driven to make the motor bike more at fault than I think he is by a long way.
  11. I'm not sure whether to watch this or not, got home last night and my other half asked if I'd seen it because it had just been shown on the news, she's a biker as well, she was shocked because there wasn't Time for the rider to react but could see what what going to happen!
  12. To be honest, enough opinions and views have been aired so far. People will have different opinions.

    Why don't we just leave it there now.............
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. ^^^^^^ Agree with that ^^^^^^
  14. Car drivers will use it as a means to prove an anti - motorcyclist mentality as they have no direct experience of what they are watching (from the rider's POV) and no understanding of th dangers cage drivers present on the road. It's not just motorcyclists they kill, it's all other road users! They just can't pull the 'road tax' gaffe on us.

    Motorcyclists can at least appreciate both points of view.
  15. I've often wondered why I personally ride a sports bike on the road. I put it down to peer pressure. It was a good laugh whilst a young pup; and a large gang of us would go out and ride pretty quick. In hindsight, we were probably lucky...

    Over the years; we've all grown up and had kids, and most ended in hospital at some point, by either riding too fast for the road conditions, or colliding with other traffic... When I take the bike on the road, I still may well go quicker than most; but I just don't enjoy doing so any more; too much to lose... Nowadays, If I want to race my mates, we book up for a track day...

    I've not ridden on the road for about a year now. After watching the video, I can't see that changing in the foreseeable future.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. I find the ability people have to extract the information they want from any given situation and bend it to reinforce their view of the world amazing.

    The key facts in this incident are approaching a busy junction at very high speed; both of which were under the direct control of the rider. Anything else is secondary.

    To turn this into a 'let's have a moan about cage drivers' is unbelievable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Excellent post. Fortunately I live up North, where it is far from grim, and we still have some open spaces.
  18. Apologies if this has already been posted.
    #119 Danger Mouse, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 6, 2014
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