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North & South Stereotypes?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. I'm not so convinced, my compass tells me my neighbour's house is south of mine and sadly they have no consideration when it comes to cutting their lawn on a Sunday.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  2. No, that's why God invented the North and named it after himself :)
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  3. Then made the weather so shite everyone took refuge in churches instead of riding their bikes in the sun like us in the south.
  4. yip, you and 15 million others. must be a craic doon there on yer sunny roads. :upyeah::smile:
  5. [​IMG]
    You'd be surprised just how easy it is to get away from traffic if you ride while everyone else is at work. The South coast is only 50-odd miles from London.
    #165 Speed_Triple, Mar 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2015
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  6. about 20years ago i drove from the elephant and castle to brighton in a car i mind it taking about 90mins?
  7. That would be about right in a car. If you're on the southern outskirts of our great capital, though, it would take less than an hour by bike. How much less would depend on the level of right-wrist restraint.
  8. ^ totally agree, if you decided to take a tug even before you got on the bike then journey's gonna take longer, deffo
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  9. ... If you use your left hand it feels like someone else is doing it (or so I'm told!)
  10. haven't needed to touch it since i was 19
    stepping out my door mid week i can be in the outskirts of Glasgow (center of the universe)in 90mins without breaking the law to much i100mls or inverness for that matter. t.b.h living in aberdeen always sunny bit chilly but always dry i happily swapped to 4wet and 3dry i good day up here and it all becomes worth it.definitely deffo.
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  11. Mind you, this road to Tongue is a bit more challenging! Especially towards the end where the suicidal dog walkers make an appearance. Lovely though.
    #171 Speed_Triple, Mar 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2015
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  12. It's ok to be economical with the truth, Fin. I bet it takes you longer than 90 mins to cover 100 miles too!!!! Lol
  13. yip, done it last year coming back from the orkneys. not the fastest or most challenging road but good views,quite dirty in places, i was with an advanced rider he wasn't hanging around got me well out my comfort zone on the single tracks. :upyeah::smile:
  14. averiging 60 odd mph no not atoll.
  15. It was a joke ... economical with the truth about not having had to touch it since you were 19!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. from my house to out skirt of oban 25mls in 25mins. with out breaking to many laws. mate the roads are perfect up my way
  17. So I understand. Will check them out soon. I used to live in Wales. Great roads there but the cops are very, er, keen. A303 west towards Dorset is terrific. Ruined by speed cameras for a while but they've been removed now.
  18. yip same every where. go easy on a sunday or main tourist routes ie lochlomand glen coe, skey lochness, should be fine.
  19. The 303 nice road I drove it and wanted to ride it before accident
    Yes I noticed speed cameras were a plenty back in 2010
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