Its nice to see so many python fans on here i thought iwas the only sado who could quote the whole film
My absolute favourite sketch I wish I had this appetite Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - The Autumn Years - YouTube bon appetit!
I wish i could gestate a Fetus in a box. It's my right as a Ducati rider. That and find a stockist for Wolf nipple chips or badgers earlobes..
Play the guitar like David Gilmour. And I'll second rolling "r's" in Spanish. Strangely, I went to "r" rolling lessons. Apparently it's just practice. As is playing the guitar to a reasonable level. You don't need an "ability" to play a musical instrument. You just pick one up, have some lessons and practice. I only started playing 2 years ago having never played anything. I am 51. I also want to whistle very loudly at rock concerts - that fingers in your gob thing. All I get is a rush of air.