One Christmas when I was about 12, I got drunk on sherry and ate a whole giant bag of Twiglets. I was sick all night. I'v never touched sherry or Twiglets since that day ! :wink:
Roses everytime the purple ones yummy yummy. quality street to many toffees ( lack of teeth ):biggrin:
Quality street I don't eat chocolate unless is white . My fav quality street is ALL the non choc toffees and that green triangle .. Love that except it hates me
Wouldn't buy any of that stuff. As you might expect, it's hand-made chocolates every time here. There are plenty of shops to choose from. I've been buying and posting them to the folk for Xmas for the last 20 odd years. Every now and again, I even buy some for myself. Handmade truffles - now that's chocolate.
It's about time we had the 'Swiss' intervention! bought chocs in Zurich a year or so back -took out second mortgage......
They are not cheap - which is why I don't buy them as a regular thing. But at Xmas for the folks, it's no expense spared.