When shopping for my multi, the missus walked over to a gen 1 and said “look, this is a multistrada and is only £4500”. The salesman sees an opportunity and pounces on her whilst I’m trying to shield my eyes from the multi and whisk her out of the shop.
Give one a test ride if you haven't already, (1200s) remembering the adage 'you don't stare at the mantle when your poking the fire' This should help make you make your mind up.
Imaginge this in a vile grey colour with a massive exhaust? Yep its cousin is made by HD Inc! Though fortunately the Murikans didn't put a staircase seat on theirs.
But, by god, if you think the 1200 is ugly, the fuglystratada 1*00 will have you gauging your eyes out
It's the breakfast of champions kind, ride the fugly, I guarantee you will get off smiling and glad you did, a much underated machine. Pussies who need electrics to ride need not apply
I notice that you push the bike's rideability and real-world performance. These are not the issues, I know that they ride well, in the right hands. No, it is the looks that you are ignoring. They look like an arse that has been smacked by another arse so that both arses are angry, upset and planning ugly, ugly revenge upon each other. We are talking giga-ugly here. Universes have been destroyed for much, much less. Quantum ugliness.
Sam, ignore the doubters, the fugly is the most fun on a bike you will ever have on such a small budget. As to the looks being off putting, most blokes in here would be single if the women in their life judged them by looks