I don't want to even try to imagine a woman equivalent of the fuglystrada. I'm not talking buzz-kill here, I'm saying even @Exige wouldn't touch that on a Tuesday night. That 8.2 earthquake in the Pacific earlier? A tectonic plate making a desperate bid to escape a planet where a Mk1 is anything more than a fevered nightmare. Cosmologists know that there is normal matter, dark matter and now, deeply fucking ugly matter. You know what the LHC is really for? Physicists are looking for a weapon to kill the ugliness of a fugly. You know why bee populations have declined? They were all trying to kill fuglies by stinging them to death and they did not count the cost. Certain types of beautiful orchids are now extinct in protest against the fugly. And why are there no more reports of UFOs and alien abductions? You know why.
Seems an off thing to do but I understand some have that sexual proclivity. However riding the fugly will cure you of this.
So what you're saying is, the fugly will cure me of all sexual urges but I won't mind cos it's fugly? Seems an odd bargain. Let me give it some thoughtnodefinitelynot.
I've never looked at the bikes front whilst riding it, that particular skill would be called crashing.
Never done a stoppie, have always been able to ride properly so never needed one. No loud exhaust, no glaring headlight just pure panache. People see the bike and say wow, what style, how unique I spotted that a mile off. This of course makes it safer to ride too. For the poser, they will relate to the many observations of people asking, " Was that created by terrablanche" they say? I say yes, well spotted, it was Pierre Terrablanche. It has the Classique' air cooled rattle and roll and makes hipsters weak at the knees in fear as they lack the style, the Joie de Vivre, the pure manliness of massive gonads to ride such a beast
To me owning a Ducati is about owning something beautiful, race or race inspired. The Multistrada somehow doesn’t fit into that picture in neither categories. I own a SSie, maybe I’m not entitled to have such a opinion??
I hadn't actually considered a 1000 fuglystrada. Now that is properly seriously ugly. You'd need more than 5 pints inside you to think that was attractive. Never done a fat bird or an ugly bird. No, not even from behind. Don't think I could wake up to something that ugly in my garage. Mind you, from behind those up n over pipes look good!
Buy a multistrada it will change you life and your bank balance they are a amazing biike superbike performance with the comfort of a tourer