It blew a bit of smoke on the dyno, it's done 11,000 miles in 23 odd years, Mike at bmc racing who did all the work reckoned it been sat around may well have contributed, fact is it's good as new now, yes a lot of money for a 400, not many like mine though, condition near on mint, mileage very low, shotgun silencers, £1400 rebuild new everything, top end service, paddock stand, it wants for nothing, I doubt there's many others like mine, I think a lot of other ones are strong money in private sales as they are high mileage no service not mint etc, anyway it is what it is, ns400r's were available for £1500 they couldn't give them away now 5k? Most 250 2 strokes were peanuts not anymore, sp1 sp2's were peanuts not anymore, nr750 37k I recently saw one at 104k, 999's available for not a lot but now....916's? 400's are on the rise vfr 400's talking 3k for a nice one but not as low mileage as mine, your 1198 will appreciate guarantee it, 848 1098 will appreciate, cars appreciate try a 2.8 injection Capri, cosworth anything, v6 clio, tt Quattro sport 240 basically everything ends up dear if it's in good nick, and a bit kind of different, if you buy a v4 and shove it in the garage put no miles on it then sell it in 10 years it will make a decent amount, certainly a lot more than money in the bank.
Cheers el toro, I'm doing flat track take it from there, I'll know if I'm going to get back bike fit after Saturday, so withdraw sale for now please mate.
Cheers, yes it's a lovely bike, I see you from Clydebank I helped put the Christmas lights up at the shopping centre for years, mcmonagles fish and chips then Asda 24 through the night...bloody freezing by the canal putting the tree up, and down the arcade scooping pigeon crap out the way on my ladder before they refurbished it all, first time I went Clydebank centre was still been built 15 years ago? Irskine bridge hotel for bed and beer...happy days...this thread will close when el toro sees it cheers fella