therefor we have to work harder to achieve understanding between community's. as was stated in yon piece.31 flavors i believe, and at the end of the day its not whats said its who and how its said that makes the difference. i get that yer a yoon a likable yoon right enough but, it takes all sorts. no robots to make life interesting.
Custard cremes are shit biscuits. Bourbons too, theyre crap. Hobnobs? Well, they're just health food unless they're covered in chocolate, in which case I approve. Same with Malted Milk.
try a Scon or Slab biscuit. very much like a jaffa. bitter on the outside and kind of orangey in the middle
What on Earth is finmbinm all bitter about? He's been in such a filthy temper these last few ... ah ... centuries?
finny's not bitter. Hes just daft. He proclaims he knows stuff. From which one can assume a blackmail envelope will pass through someones doorstep soon.
maybe an element of truth in that. always have a back up plan. it's the old adage init. life is like a rose garden.