Nope, not when you have been rescued from drowning with the rest of the EU by the rUK. You're welcome, by the way.
not since we have been rescued from ourselves you mean. how the fuck will we turn out with that extra 15bill thats turned up. imagine giving a nation of junkies and drunks all that extra cash. here is another from this week. Irish whiskey 4% market share makes 3bill for the economy. Scotland 80% share of the market only makes 5bill? according to the treasury. uh huh. the treasury some trust for their info.
yip, they made a rod for their back there. but if you want something gov like and trustworthy look north.
It never rains, but it pours. Story of fins life probably. some might see it that way. not me, had you lived my life you would know better.
I think he's auditioning for the part of Liberace again in Edinburgh theatres new production of jazz hands and sparkles