i know, its the way i tell em. buuuuuuut funnily enough on the way through to edinbro the kids spotted the Wallace monument and asked about it. they hadn't heard of him. wtf? how did the school let that happen? how did I let that happen? so we popped in for a wee look see. they climbed to the top, i didnt, then we got an absolutely spellbinding story of Wallace from the curator, that's all the kids talked about for the rest of the day. superb. deffo got a couple of wee freedom fighters on maneuvers now.
Oh, and yer right @Exige i asked about the sacking of york and apparently it didn't happen, but he recons yer still a shower O ....s
I should have known when her forum name had babe in it that I should have bought tickets for the £10 all you can eat Chinese buffet. Also when they shake a lot, it isn't excitement but she was having a fit