Trolls were created by Morgoth (Melkor) in mockery of the Ents (The Shepherds of the Trees). They infested Middle Earth from the First Age onward and were considered slow and dull-witted. Unlike real trolls who have quick wits and sparkling personalities.
If you cut the height and put more of a belly on it.... closer the @chizel really... And Chiz that's a compliment.
Keep up, they all were. But they saw brexit coming a long time before anyone else. I spoke to people and they told me so.
Pleased to see Noobie in full denial mode....and one thing can always guarantee, he fails to back up the optimism with anything except white noise and rule Britannia sound bites Huzzah!
Hmmm. J biker 2 days 3 hours on Call of Duty. Noobie 3 month, 2 weeks, 1 day 11 hours....copying, pasting and quoting on Brexit thread alone. Just saying.
To be fair, you've probably been more accurate in Call of Duty than you have been in the brexit thread