At last, I make it as favourite. Not been that since showing my 6th form French teacher what French meant....and he loved it
I have had two falling outs on this forum. One with a 'mate' and we made up in person (much better that way ), the other with a guy who constantly stalked every post I made for months and just aimed at making me look silly at every point regarding anything bike related (e.g. no use of torque wrenches, just the right spanner) that really pissed me off and I told him so and trolled him back. Haven't seen him F2F to this day, we had been on a few rides up to that point, and he's had his fair share of proper shit and lifes too short to argue. So no
Looking froward to it. Make a pleasant change Although I can't remember the last time a Scot bought me a drink either
Elise, there are a lot of old and possibly out-of-date bikes in your garage if that recent pic is anything to go by. Are you thinking of modernising anytime soon?
You didn't say anything about the wings - and they are not wings: they are ears you desert squirrel :Facepalm:
Why are you typing, instead of working and sending off packages. A forum discount for my upgraded 999 starter cables would be nice too. You've changed, Elise. Changed!
I'm working on it, but finding it difficult to work out the tax for some reason, keeps coming to £0.00 vat?
I heard that as well Liz, 3rd gear, yes I did - from me I think :smileys: good to know about the back wheel though, now that I didn't make up so must be true :Wideyed: