Scotchland has always belonged to York, even in Roman times (apart from the bit we didn't want where finm lives )
nothing belongs to york. york has been mortgaged off to cover the cock ups and greed by the people you have just handed over total CONTROLE to.
George Soros is trying to scare people out of Brexit? And this does not give you pause? finm finm finm - let it go mate, let's talk about sheep instead. You're good with sheep. :Angelic:
nah, not really.. george sorros will still be there. in or out. we can march :Angelic: on soros later.
Granted not much, but it's still Scotchland, and free from the German Rule once more. FREEDOM (proper) unch:unch:unch:unch:unch:
Anyone watching Billions Reminds me of May and Nicola May attorney general Nicola axlerod the criminal