You could use ThreeBond or any similar silicone type wouldn't hurt the bearing if it got in there.....Hylomar do a clear one in a silver tube, much lower cost than ThreeBond. I'm only suggesting Bearing Fit because it is quite thin and runny, so it would spread easily around the seal as you pushed it in.....It isn't really for seals etc but I have used it for a similar problem as yours before.....I have also used Loctite 638 (or was it 648?) for the same thing, but that stuff is like concrete and requires a lot of heat to crack it. Sounds to me you need something like an old box spanner to get the seal in....sockets are nearly always too short....... I have various lengths of scaffold pole and pipe for large bearings and seals.....depends on diameter really.... tw*ts said there was going to be a water shortage......? Is it ever going to stop bl**dy raining? AL
Have got blue & red threadlock, also threebond, may try that with the next one? Getting good at changing them now. :biggrin: I used the 19mm long socket shown in the pic above to fit the seal? Didnt take a lot of tapping to be honest... :frown: You may be right, its just getting a bit sloppy in there. :wink:
I reckon that 19mm socket + wall thickness is a bit too small to knock the seal in......IIRC when I did my front cam seal, it was much larger than a 19mm socket and nearer to a big spark plug socket..... Grandma and eggs, probably; you need to get the pressure virtually all round the outside edge of the seal otherwise it will push the metal cage inwards 'oh so very slightly' in the middle, which then stretches the lip a bit and in consequence doesn't touch the shaft with the correct pressure.... Still, at least you appear to have the correct radial seal....I have seen so many people use what they think is the correct seal and they leak, because they have say, used a radial seal for forks....and fork seals for rotating shafts... AL.
Did my cam pulley seals a while back, is a bigger seal again? The driveshaft pulley seal is 30mm dia, the cam pulley est. another 8-10mm bigger maybe? Will have another rummage out in the garage for a suitable drift etc for round 3. Good advice though, thankyou!
(Take 3...) Ordered new seal and shaft circlip from Baines, arrived in the post the next day! Nowt better to do today so thought I might as well get it out the way... :biggrin: Plugs out, strip it all off again - minor faff getting the wire circlip off (ordered a new one, 88210031A, £1.26) Old seal out, degrease the orifice & seal carefully with a little brake cleaner on cotton buds, a small smear of threebond on the seal just before it went in, then wiped round the outer afterwards: Not pretty, but you can't see it with the pulley back on. The seal itself is pretty thin, with the actual contact surface even thinner? THIS should ensure no further leaks... if it still does I will be doing this:
Ive not read the whole thread but just wanted to say with the spring type seals you can tighten the spring, if you slip the spring from the seal and look closely you'll see where it joins twist the two halves and unscrew the spring, clip about a mm off the large side and screw it back together thus the spring will be tighter... just a though for you...
Worth knowing! This is the third seal, we have established the oil is leaking around the outside of the seal itself so no amount of spring nipping will cure that one lol