supplementary to other replies and just to close my loop, mate Simon says "bad earth and or coil on the way out, so all contacts to be cleaned made good but if still an issue coil is US"
WAH900ss ....Thanks for that, cleaned up all the connectors and faces today and although it was better it was still getting hot so i think its new coils....never bloody ending :angry:
They are, as far as I remember, OEM ones...........they are the ones with the screw spike in the tower, rather than the push in type. I have never fitted or tried them out 'on the road', although I think I did use a pair as a temporary substitute when checking the ones on my bike some years ago. I will dig them out later today and test them, then report back. Reporting back..........Tested Primary and Secondary circuits of both pairs..........One pair's readings are very slightly lower than the other, but all are within the resistance range that Haynes specify.
@Arquebus Hi Al, yeah if thats still possible, to buy if poss, the OEM ones are 90 quid EACH !!!! and i aint payin that
Mine aren't new by any means.................if you want new ones which are better than the OEM ones, you could always try these. HT14 - HT Coil - Ducati, Honda, 80mm hole spacing, single lead, 2 terminal | Electrex World Ltd But mine if they are OK would be cheaper......