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Ok Fight Fans - Best Ever Boxing Punch?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Andy Bee, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. The object of the exercise isn’t to cause brain damage.
    Don’t watch it. Stick to crown green bowls.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Have you seen those ole dears go at it? :astonished:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. That's fair enough each to their own - some like race bikes, some like chips with their curry & some like Apple Macs

    So don't try but at least respect others who do get it - especially the boxers themselves.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. You must be watching non contact boxing then FC.
    The little bit of boxing I witnessed they were trying to knock each other out, if that’s not causing brain damage then I’ve got it all completely wrong.
    Crown green bowls is to dangerous, you can easily trip over one of those balls.
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  5. Well not really...someone killing themselves at the tt for example isn't intentional...I'm not saying knocking 7 colours of shit out of someone isn't intentional either but there's a reasonable chance he or she could be eating out of a straw for the rest of their lives...I really don't think the 2 are comparable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. It’s probably much less dangerous than motorcycling!

    It’s a wonderful sport, for many many different reasons and for every boxer that dies in the ring (which is actually pretty rare), it probably saves 10 lives, literally and figuratively, by putting boys and young men on the straight and narrow.

    I say this as someone who has skin in the game as my son is a carded amateur lightweight.

    #46 Zhed46, Aug 26, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2022
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  7. its not the fact that it is or it isnt....its more the intent...i totally understand its lost on some people. I wont say anything more as i can see why people do like it...i never watched a boxing match in my life from start to finish but maybe happened to see someone getting stretchered off on the news maybe...Michael Watson being probably one of the most shocking ive seen...
  8. I know you have an interest in the sport Zhed, but I can’t see it being less dangerous than motorcycling in the long term.
    If you go for a spin on the bike and you don’t have an accident, you ain’t going to suffer the consequences of that spin later on in life. But every time someone enters a ring they will suffer to a lesser or greater amount some brain damage.
    The way things in sport are going regarding brain damage and long term effects, football and rugby is changing.
  9. Our local club does similar good works, they even have a weekday/daytime session for the local Variety Club. I train regularly, (not with the variety club, I should add) I don't compete, I'm too old and far too pretty to be punched in the face....:punch::eek:
    It's controversial, but I think the pros should also wear head guards, it'll never happen of course as it would effect viewing figures and therefore $$$ too much.
    Good luck with your youngling...:upyeah:
    #49 Nelson, Aug 27, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2022
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  10. I used to train with a boxing club in Doncaster. It’s great training and the bants was top notch too. Didn’t have the kahunas to get through the ropes in competition. I preferred blindsiding and running off :laughing:

    Seriously, I was a bit too old and simply not good enough to get far… plus I’ve damaged vision in my left eye due to an accident as a kid. I’d have been right handed to death in a ring… :astonished:
  11. :D

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. Its impossible to assess the benefits and draw backs of publicised sports and their knock on effects.

    Boxing will give some perhaps many head injuries. It will also give many a route out of gangs, street fights and prison plus the life of crime that follows and all its victims. It will give everyone who partakes exercise and could lead to them remaining active and aware of their physical health throughout their lives.

    By contrast the aim of motorcycling is not to physically stop your opponent by basically assaulting him/ her. But how many have taken up bike riding after following GP racing? How many have those riders been hurt even killed? When I was a kid there wasn't a male under 70 who didn't want to be Barry Sheene, and many of us rode out our dreams straight to the A & E!

    So my point is live & let live whenever you can, and imo thats most of the time. If people want to do something and its not causing a direct harm to other non participants, its probably nobodies business than theirs. Better still cheer them on, if it makes them happy it can't be that bad.
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. @Nelson where did you get that quote from you use at the bottom of your posts ?
  14. From the great prophet Morrissey...:D
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. Butterbean - what a legend. Over the top left and right hooks that will stop anyone. One of his punches is in the top 10 of all time.

    An example of his fighting style :

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  16. Did you see those crazy kids from Jackass taking him on? It didn’t end well. Predictably….
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Yes ! didn't they fight him in a shop ? He properly clouted him if I remember rightly :D

    Those Jackass lads were funny, some of the stuff they did has had me in tears of laughter - almost can't breath from laughing. Really funny.
  18. That’s the one. Butterbean knocked the lad sparko o_O
    Have you watched them do the airhorn backswing? Now that had me in stitches :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I used to train and spar a bit and did two WCBs ages ago, but a combination of work issues, moving house, lockdown closing the local club in my new area and then trapping a nerve when I dislocated my shoulder (trying to tuck my ear into my helmet of all things) put paid to all that and so this is my sport of choice these days.



    My arm is a lot better now and I’ve recently stumbled across a new gym nearby so when the cricket season ends I might wander down there and at least do some conditioning and bag work.
    #60 Zhed46, Aug 29, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2022
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