My mum swears seeing ghosts when we lived at Bonham - which was a very very old house It wasn't until I left (I lived in the attic) that I realised how uncomfortable I felt there in the dark The walls held a lot if bad memories I subsequently discovered
Stop it my brain is starting to hurt.................................George can I play with the bunny rabbits, the ones with the floppy ears, I wont hurt them?
Unlike God i have first hand experience of something like a ghost. So i can directly relate to that. God i'm sure is as real to some people but they can really only base that belief on other peoples writings such as the bible etc. As far as i know, no one is claiming to have seen him recently for confirmation. But ghosts open a can of worms. If you believe they exist beyond a recorded event (recorded into fabric of a building) then that opens doors to existence beyond the mortal body. What i witnessed on both occasions was interactive and no recording. I can only say that the events were real to me and involved being touched physically as well as vocally spoken too. They escalated around building work in a certain part of my house and stopped almost completely after. The builder had some odd tool happenings also, as in hammer being thrown at the wall etc. I would fully expect anyone who has seen and heard nothing would poo poo the idea. The medium on the charity event did say that generally if you don't want to see anything then generally you won't. If a ghost were a person once, in general why would they want to talk to you if you didn't want them too. It did open my mind to things beyond the normal scope of science as we know it. Which is why i am open minded about lots of things i have never nor will ever likely see or witness. Eg like the Desmo wiining a race in 2013. No actually that is beyond even my imagination.
I used to see a little girl when I was young. I never mentioned the little girl that looked like an angel to my family. A few months ago my mum was a bit freaked as she was woken to find a little girl stood at her bed smiling. She fitted the description of the one I saw. The strangest one for me was when I lived on a very old farm on Dartmoor. I lived on a corridor in workers quarters. It was metal stairs going up outside the building then straight into the corridor. There was a dead end at the end of the corridor and 3 other rooms none interlinked. There was building work going on in the main house. Across from me in the yard was a stable conversion into a flat. One night I was in my room quietly. Boy was it quiet. When I heard what sounded like a knock and distinctive footsteps. I opened the door nothing. Nobody there. I even went out to look down the steps . I would have heard the clank of the steps bor creaking even if anyone crept up. I wrote it off as me being stupid. Next night same happened again and then carried on down the corridor. Again nobody there. It was baffling but I wasn't scared. However that week the workmen downed tools . They complained of something freaking them out when they where working like a big black shadow. They left said felt uncomfortable. A few days later the family in the stables came in said they where off. When asked why they said the dog was going loopy and they couldn't bare the crying anymore. They kept hearing a child sobbing and sobbing. The footsteps I heard where child like as fast and light footed. They said a little boy had been seen a few times usually by the gate in. I got used to "him" going past each night and used to say hello. I never felt scared or threatened. I always questioned it until about ten years ago I was watching a program about Devon and the farm came on ! They where saying about a ghost and all the people who had left due to being scared. I was stunned .. The dogs hated the stable .. I thought someone was playing a prank on me at first but if a person had gone down the corridor and say nipped in one of the other rooms I'd have heard the old doors! Or seen that it was open a bit. It all really flared up also with building work on the old house. The last time something happened was on the way to work down a back road. A man stepped into the road and walked out right in front if me clear as day. I slammed in the brakes shook up . He was gone . But there was again nowhere he could of vanished to as I could see all around. I wasnt tired it was broad daylight and its never happened again. I often wonder if its some memory or event trapped somewhere that keeps replaying . Some of us see it some don't I doubted myself .. I also pick up on some people not all . And places where I get a sick feeling and feel just terrible and just have to get out of a place. Gomshall in Surrey has that horrible effect on me.
I should say i was not scared by them either generally but one that sat on my legs in bed in the room i won't now sleep in freaked me out a bit. I thought for a moment i was imagining the weight and movement as it was pitch black but then she spoke. At that point i was off. I would say my perception is that the ground floor of my house has active hot spots but never upstairs and you can feel a change or at least i can as i go up the stairs. I live close to Dartmoor also. Must be something in the water or maybe the long history of many of the houses.
A mates mum is apparently a clairvoyance, a diff mate said he was round hers and her mum having never meet or knew of him grab his arm and started reeling off stuff from his childhood that happened before any of us knew him and the only person that knew these things were my mate and his long dead mother. He is a non believer on everything, very skeptical but what she was coming out with freaked him out cos he said there is no way no-one, not even his dad new these things and he has never talked about it in his life. I wanna meet her cos Id like to see what she may know bout me. Im skeptical but open minded and if I met someone like her Id be syinical until they said something that I knew they had no way of knowing....and that would be freaky but cool
I have a set of Tarot cards I thought Id dabble in when on tour. Now I have no mystical powers and would `play` at it using a book that came as a pack to teach you the meanings of cards and what they represent and how they work in conjunction to others. Lads would ask me to do a reading for them. Id be honest and say I can only read off what I can to explain the cards in the spread, Thy had 2 options, 1 was to tell me a question they have for the reason of consulting the cards and I would interpreted as best I can to fit OR 2 not tell me and I would read as it was written. Now we had just lost a guy and my boss asked me to read his and he wanted to keep the question to himself. I knew from how the cards read he was asking was there anything he could have done/should have/shouldnt have etc amoung other things and he said that the first 6 cards made no sense but the last 4 were so freakily accurate and informed. So iv read Tarot cards are not meant as a way of prediction more to make sense of what has been and in term what could come from the actions of the past. But nothing is set in stone, more like cause and effect. Id like to do a proper reading with someone who has `the magic`, but Id be skeptical until they hit on something that they could only know if sprites or the cards actually revealed to them. Iv a story about a mate who went to such a lady....Il tell in a bit
In one of my older houses (built in around 1430) there was a bedroom that nobody liked sleeping in..................... There was a hole in the roof.... AL
when I was small we lived in Gibralter,in a house used to be the governors house during the siege of Gibralter? I often used to wake to see a small girl standing beside my bed and the house had a really long hallway and I usecd to see her darting into the shadows? Never mentioned it, I wasn't frightened but thought everyone else might be. Years later, all grown up and during a conversation with mother and sisters, it came out we had all seen her and kept it to ourselves for the same reason. my parents had done some investigating and it was the governors daughter, who had died of scurvy during the siege. my parents also had a quarter which as inhabited by something, never saw anything but there was an ominous presence that could make my hair stand on end. I saw one of our cats for ages after he died but not since we got the dog!
i think that the existence of ghosts is nonsense. the human brain has eveolved to recognise and even create patterns and forms to help it recognise and navigate the world. reality is essentially a construct in the brain..what is real for a human is different for a dog, but our senses and perception are greatly different. the brain will seek and form patterns and structure where there is none..have you ever seen a funny crease in the quilt and seen a face, do cars look like they have 'faces' or expressions? have you ever seen clouds that look like ships or a map of the UK etc etc?? The same goes for our perception of sound. Our hearing has evolved to be at its most acute within the frequencies of speech..therefore, a breeze blowing through a keyhole, or an ajar window can be perceived as a voice calling... have you ever had a vivid dream that was so real, it took you a moment to realise it was a dream, and yet, it still left you feeling upset, or worried? I think ghosts fall into that catagory. Whenever they broadcast a 'ghost hunt' show on tv, its always on a shakey night vision camera, using very emotive, spiritual language with 'evidence' of the most superficial and undecipherable sort..rather like the 80's court cases where they used to play records backwards in court and insist that ozzy osbourne was trying to tell people to commit suicide....once the suggestion is there, you really can, sort of hear Freddie Mercury saying 'i like licquorice allsorts', or some such garbage... As regards mediums....please, do me a favour..these are ALL sure some think they have a 'gift', in which case, this is the most sincere form of self delusion.. they use techniques such as cold reading or Barnum statements (remarks that apply to us all....'youve thought about writing a book', 'your fear of failure is holding you back', 'youre a perfectionist'..blah blah... Derren Brown is great because he openly tells people that he uses, 'misdirection, suggestion and showmanship', yet people still think he's some sort of psychic... people look for meanings and inadvertantly give away tiny cues and clues to the 'medium'..they will draw clues from youre dress, age, body language, jewellery...anything... Even non face to face reading are the same..just barnum statements...they usually begin with a comment like 'most people think that is rubbish etc etc' to which you will reply and show your hand.... All nonsense...sadly in our developed world, i fear that we are replacing religion with stupid new superstitions, alternative therapies, healing crystals and white witches (women who are too old to play at being fairies)...this is going to be the next battle against rational, logical discourse... Ive noticed at these shows there tends to be a disproportionate amount of women...i guess its something to do with being into magic, vampire romance or some such childish boswelox... There has never been any proof offered, or any tests that have found the existence of ghosts to be anything other than stories, and mediums to be nothing more than liars... look at James Randi and how he exposed loads of TV evangelists with their 'gifts', Uri Geller and a multitude of other professional liars and huxsters... Also, most ghost sightings, superstitions and people who seek the 'help' of mediums often tend to come from a religious background (even if they themselves do not believe in a god), or from countries that have a religious culture, where myth, legend and bullshit are common..Ireland, Italy, Spain, USA...they have this crap on TV and you can ring in for help (premium rate number of course), where they will do tarot or some other sideshow cobblers for the gullible.
I do agree the Ghost hunt program's are total crap .. I know mediums cold read people .. I'm not a churchy person .. I like Derren Brown as he is very clever. However I honestly think sometimes a memory or something gets stuck . Is played to people like a tape.. I also believe some people pick up on things a lot more then others .. Women are more sensitive .. We have to be its to do with motherhood .. Personally I wish I wasn't .. I hate it ... I wish I was thick skinned and felt nothing. I have a list of people I'm going to come back to and annoy the hell out of. I wish I could start tomorrow.