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Old Rider Down

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Old rider, Jul 7, 2019.

  1. Sadly, I have to report that SWMBO has not softened in her attitude and it's got to the 'bike or me' stage :(
    I had hoped that things would change with time but if anything, her stance has hardened.

    So, anybody interested in a 2 owner, 14,000 mile, pampered 999??
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. Gutted for you, OR.

    Your loss will be someone else's gain but I'm sorry to hear the missus wants rid of the girlfriend.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Surely this needs a Brexit approach?

    You should keep it till spring (When the market picks up), then take it for a few runs (To make sure it’s OK), then just keep on not selling it.

    It hasn’t left until it’s gone!
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  4. Not good news, as above drag it out until next year.
  5. And sulk until spring, she will come round by then - where's that old charm gone man :thinkingface:
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  6. Wow thats really tough. Though I guess if you really love her, you'll bite the bullet and get a divorce?
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  7. Stick it up for sale at around £25K, which I'm sure is around "the going rate" and wait for the phone to ring off the hook. And wait.,......... And wait. In the meantime use it until it sells.
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  8. As above, delay tactics need to be invoked.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Oh bless you
    :thinkingface: Do you have somewhere you could hide it then say you sold it for a couple grand and then when your sad around the house and your asked if your ok so no and your really missing your bike and hopefully your Mrs will see how much you need one and relent
    Then get it back from your hideout
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  10. That’s kind of what I’ve been doing but she’s seeing right through it. She knows me too well...
  11. Nice idea but she has a firm grip on the household finances and would see right through any such ploy.
    She’s already seen through my delaying tactics...
    #251 Old rider, Oct 30, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2019
  12. If she's doing the ultimatum thingy on you, we all know what you should do....

    I mean,
    Vice grip on your cash
    Blackmailing you to sell your bike
    Stopping you from riding again
    Controlling nature
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Yeah, I've got a patio and a digger you can rent. [mates rates of course]..;)
    Failing that, hide all her shoes and handbags until she relents...
    • Funny Funny x 2
  14. Now that is all out war :laughing:
  15. I have gone back and edited vice like to firm, as that was a bit unfair and also, to be fair to her, it's by no means all my cash, as she is still working and I'm not, so she's contributing more than I am these days.
    What really worried her is that it was my own lapse of judgement that caused the off and I have to admit that really shook me too. I was pretty jittery when I started driving a car again and really jittery when I got back on the bike.
    I do understand that she doesn't want me dead or disabled, which I so easily could have been. I just wish she would compromise a little but then she's worried that would lead to going right back to where we were.
    She wants me to have a little sports car instead, which is hardly a substitute but better than nothing I guess.
  16. DSC_53382.jpg
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. [​IMG]
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  18. Interesting...
  19. Compromise :thinkingface:
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