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olympics..who cares?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. It's your own fault you're not one of the few, so quit moaning and whining. If you where my accoutant you would have just lost an account. All good etertainment and a little light in most peoples lives is the olympics, just unfortunate that dickhead old turtle head McCartney got a publicity stunt in.
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  2. If Olympics was less corporate no problem, but other than lloyds what british company is sponsoring it?!even cadbury isnt one of ours anymore
  4. But at least the ceremony was a celebration of britain :upyeah:
    #25 ducati2242, Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  6. An accountant maybe - clearly not a businessman

    I too caught some of this and discussed the same with the missus. Look at the long term effect on both Manchester and Sheffield post investing in a sporting event. They both saw massive criticism, similair sentiment, but now both seeing an influx of students, entrepreneurial spirit, tourism, etc. sometimes it takes a while to realise the massive capital investment.

    If you're not a believer, then revisit this in 5-10 years when we see the effect of the Olympics. Imagine doubling the number of Chinese who spend 10 times the spend of the average tourist to Britain. We only get 10% of Chinese tourists visiting Europe (the painful visa doesn't help - and we won't accept a Europe visa?! Doh!) where France and Germany see 15-20%. China has 1.4 billion citizens, 1/3 of which live in the booming cities.

    Now go do some maths!

    I will join you in a whinge though - Paul McCartney was shit!!

  7. Cheap advertising mate. £27m for a 3 and a half hour advert for Britain watched by 1bn people. Imagine the worldwide reaction if they'd tried to knock it out for £1m. It would have been am embarrassing load of cak.

    They wouldn't have spent the money on worthy causes anyway. It's all just money they haven't given to bankers. :biggrin:
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  8. which is particularly scarey as most US surgical procedures are 10-15 yrs behind Europe. On Monday i will be undergoing major spinal surgery, an anterior cervical discetomy and prosthetic replacement. This operation, and the investment in the prosthesis has been going on in Germany for almost 20 yrs, 15 yrs here and most of western europe..the us have only been doing it for about 2 yrs and is almost never covered by insurance. This op is only performed by a handful of surgeons and charge $70,000+. The majority perform spinal fusions, which in cervical spinal surgery is an out moded and cheap way of doing things. My (now ex) brother in law lives in LA and all of his wifes family have to pay $1500 between them for their mothers 'meds' because the pancreas op she depseratley needs is not available in the states. america? i wouldnt piss on it....NHS all the way...my op is free, but its costing the NHS £50 grand thanks to the private hospital im forced to go into...cheers BUPA..fkn parasites...right, now lets get back to these games and a good way to blow £27 mill!
    #28 funkyrimpler, Jul 28, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
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  9. Finally, an fellow Brit who is flying the flag for the word MATHS..although i would have preferred it if you'd said, ' Now go and do some maths'..so fkn sick and tired of newage coolio, towie, Americano types and their pretentious insistance on saying MATH..fknidiots..

    McCartney...yep bag o' shyte..when will they learn??

    Did anyone else notice the 'live' audio at the start was a beat in front of the performance..and what a performance..really, really, tatty...worst still..those talentless kids the fartic monkeys..gawd elp us. yes we love the quasi 80's new wave/two tone pseudo intellectual working class hero wry lyrics, but honestly..the musicianship and performance was that of a 3rd rate pub act, bands like this usually never see anyone faces, just the backs of their heads, and usually through chicken wire (well they do if theyve played some of the dives ive gigged in)...nah...theyre for kids and pissed up students that think dizzie rascal is a poet..

    Weve got lots of quality old rockers and plenty of young blood..why did they trot out this flotsam and jetsam? (no im not referring to jason newstead for all you metallica fans).
  10. Well I thought it was great.

    Anyone who thinks that was a waste of time and money must so boring, soulless and mean spirited that they'd have to be an accountant... :tongue:
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  11. It was certainly different .. cant stand Paul Mc Cartney I missed a bit did they trot out Elton as well??? ... then again Ive always been more of a Stones fan!!
    It could have been worse Prince Philip commentating would have been interesting !!
  12. Sorry people but I am on the losing side of the argument here.
    The Olympic spirit has been sold to the highest bidder, which I wouldn’t mind if it was genuinely private enterprise, but it isn’t, it is underwritten and paid for by the taxpayer who has no say in the matter. It is yet another example of a self appointed elite, and I don’t mean the athletes, troughing at the expense of others. The Olympics are about, big business, construction contracts and never ending junkets, a bit like FIFA really.
    I would like to see the Olympics cut back to a mainly track and field event, I just don’t see the likes of football and tennis as examples of an Olympic sport.
    The Olympics are firmly in the category of ‘bread and circuses’ IMHO.
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  13. Well you know what they say about opinions :wink:.
  14. I do indeed. When I have them, they are no longer opinion, but fact!
  15. IMHO the Olympics should be for individual participant sports only, except for team sports like rowing, which if a team member fails the whole team fails (Like laydown Sally from Aussie), drop soccer, rugby sevens, volleyball, fecking basketball FFS, etc, etc ! Otherwise looking forward to watching some great athletes in some great events, triumphs and tragedies, and some new world records.
  16. Oh damn...............the beach volleyball is on..................:upyeah:
  17. I thought the original Olympics 2000 years ago was supposed to be for activities that soldiers took part in, javelin, running, swimming, naked wrestling (!!!), so where does synchronised swimming come in?? Like has just been said lets go back to individual sports where winning was just that. Fastest, longest strongest etc., and move away from 'sports' where the results depend on someones considered opinion. Rant over.
    Just read previous post, could make an exception for womans beach volleyball:upyeah:
  18. Women's sack race - even better!!
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  19. Britain is bound to win gold.

    But then we have an unfair advantage in having the government in post. Surely we would fail the dope test???

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  20. Why turn it into a race? We're always being accused of that...
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