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olympics..who cares?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. Well maybe, but bike racing is fast, loud, dangerous, technically complex, and exciting; Olympic sports are slow, quiet, risk-free, technically simple, and tedious. Apart from that, they are very similar!
  2. unless youre that poor bleedin pole vaulter who skewered his nut sack on the way down from a 30ft drop...is was certainly fast, very loud, dangerous (i dont think the boys will be producing any more soldiers for him in a hurry), as complex as sticking a pole in the ground and not ripping yer spuds off and it was very exciting...im not normally a fan of blood sports. youtube is your friend.
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  3. Royum, if you substitute my original use of the word 'underwite' with ' accept financial responsibility for', as per the Collins Dictionary, it makes perfect sense.

    It is your narrow understanding of the word 'underwrite' and particularly your use of the phrase 'pointless trying to educate the dumb' that I object to. I have no problem with a difference of opinion, or banter, but if you are rude then expect to receive some incoming. If that makes me a keyboard terrorist then so be it.
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