Just zipping through the recording of last nights X Factor. Got to say that last night, unfortunately, the boy was rubbish. Soz.
I personally can't stand anything that promotes torture. Those poor contestants sound like they are in serious pain; and the faces that they pull while screaming is the stuff of nightmares. All we need is the one from the dark side (SC) on stage asking "Is it safe?" for the full effect.
Didn't watch the results programme last night as I was doing something more enjoyable like sticking pins in my eyes. But I've just read that he was voted off. Not surprised unfortunately. He was diabolical from what I saw on Saturday.
Well this is the first time I have watched I'm a Celebrity this year, but your boy Jake looks like a nice young lad.
He's got more personality in the jungle than he ever had on X Factor. So who will he shag? My money's on Mel Sykes