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one track day in. and trying out for a ducati team !!,,,,tips please

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Terry_Tibbs, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. This is sad news indeed and not the outcome any of us wanted to hear!
    Everyone loves a trier and at least you gave it a go and do wish it had have turned out better for you but that is life i suppose!
    Appreciate you letting us know your news (as you said you would)...you didnt have to so Thanks!
    Get well soon Terry Tibbs!
  2. Get well soon Mr. Tibbs, I do hope this doesn't end your biking history totally.
  3. Not good I was hoping not to read this
    But you had a go. Wishing you a speedy recovery all the very best
  4. Bastard!

    But Matt Lawson broke his back in several places at Anglesey the same time I did my injuries and was up and about before me and way before my ligament damage has healed (it hasnt) so bones are easily fixable :)

    gws mush and make sure there is a next time on track for you :upyeah:
  5. Bad ju-ju..

    GWS TT, I was thinking slicks at this time of year in the UK could be a bad combination, narrow operating temperature and unlikely to keep the heat in October.

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  6. Been too over keen. Lack of Experience. Hafting to go faster than everyone els. Bad combo :(
  7. Perhaps a bad time to say what I've learnt from a dozen times on track: but amongst other things:

    Some people are slower than me, others are faster. I see no reason why I would be the fastest. Many people have had a lot more practice than me. Practice makes perfect. I could see it is like anything: the more you've done it, the better you are. So I've been perfectly happy being acceptably quick. Think I was in the fast group last time I did track, but surrounded by people who'd done a lot more than me (and all had track bikes and slicks - I still had the lights on and road tyres). Guess what? They were mainly quicker.

    I didn't let it worry me.
  8. You see my dear 'Astings........Poirot's little grey cells never let him down......the venue and the team were totally correct.........Ow you say, a fallgone conclusion.......unfortunately for Monsieur Tell, so was the end result........if indeed that is what has 'appened.

    Mais Oui, 'Astings.....one must feel sorry for Monsieur Tell for overcooking his duck but...

    Poirot always thinks 'is little grey cells should keep awake, as you say, an open brain, just in case this all tongue up the nose....n'est ce pas?

    It is possible, is it not 'Astings, that this could be all a heap of ow you say, sheeps poo......?
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Gah, speedy recovery fella.
    If it's any comfort I've fractured my spine and mangled my hands in a crash ... was back on a bike within three months. Just be patient and do what the doctor says. Experience can hurt like hell but it teaches :smile:

    Good luck and fair play to you.
  10. fb141.jpg


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  11. How about you come to bath hospital ward b36. Il shuv my good boot up yr ass would that be proof enough for ya!?
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  12. Why?

    This I guess is reason you're smashed up now, in all honesty it could be worse and I'm glad to see you typing on here. I was punted off on the road earlier in the year, 2 bust legs, ligament damage and 3 compressed spinal fractures so I know how shit and in pain you must be feeling, you'll be right in a few months.
  13. Do you think if I bent down far enough you could manage it in your condition......?

    In the future, when you are better (at listening / reading / absorbing information) I suggest you take note of answers to the questions you ask your peers.....because you obviously didn't.......

    ........I and many others on here have been riding much longer than you have and I'll bet the largest percentage of us have plenty to learn, so we still listen after all that time...

    Sorry, but as Poirot said earlier, it was a forgone conclusion that you would bend it, taking such a large capacity bike on the track after one track day....

    ....I don't think you could have been warned any more.....

    ....but I hope you recover and try again, but maybe starting off a 250 would be a much better idea....

    PS....I had a pair of those boots.....same thing happened on the road....broken footrest did it, and then stuck in the bottom foot....won't use that make anymore.
    #174 Ghost Rider, Oct 20, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2012
  14. I'd make a special effort just for you.

    Anyway this is all just Sheeps poo....isn't it??

    So I'm just making all this up surly?

    Do I even have a bike?

    Fake Photos can be obtained from the World Wide Web ??

    The fact is your right I was given some really good advice. And if you had read what I had wrote and absorbed it!.. you would of seen I have small issue about taking it easy. I just pushed to hard. My own fault. And the reason yr sat in from your comp with your family around you or with your boyfriend!? and I'm sat in a hospital bed 84 miles away from home to unstable to be moved.

    But like you said it's all sheep poo so....... :)
  15. Ouch! Never good to hear of an off. Hope you have some sexy nurses to keep you company.
  16. But you can manage to use a PC in bed, lying down @ 22.30 hrs in a hospital.........

    Pushing too hard is a contradiction of taking it easy.

    I'm not far off being in hospital (without your help) on my own, and I spent 6 months in hospital with bowel cancer, age 11........So I know what hospitals are like.

    And if you are suggesting I'm a p**f, you will get your traction loaded with a couple of bags of cement.

  17. I think Terrold should be cut some slack.
    He fucked up. it happens. We all do. It's probably not the time to say "told you so".
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

    I bet a few of the lads on here are feeling a tad bit smug...
  19. Showing ur age here. U heard of a smart phone? Yeah you can go online with out a computer!! Yeah it's true

    I wasn't suggesting anything. Just keeping an open mind.
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