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Opening Cermony. What Did You Think.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. It was nearly bedtime and I didnt want you to have nightmares.
  2. thanks. i do scare easily.
    so i guess it's just me then when it comes to middle eastern girls then.
  3. no finm, its just you. Full stop.

  4. On an aside it was good to watch the lassie win gold in the pool. Oh and Murdy's face when he won too. It was especially nice to see the lass beat the english girl at Judo too. Get in. I hope we beat the english medal wise.

    I never saw them Fin. I'd turned over in disgust and watched something equally drab instead.
  5. so your commenting on something you didn't watch to the end? tsk, tsk.
  6. i guess being a lot younger than you guys i still look at girls in a different light.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. I kept flicking back in hope as tbh there was fuck all on telly. I just missed the Pakistani lassies. I kept looking hoping for Biffy belting out some rock and instead all I got was a fat bint fluffing her lines.

    They should have got Irving Welsh to direct it. Now that wouldve been worth watching.
  8. i agree with irving welsh bit.. that's the only ground i am willing to give.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. The olympics got Danny Boyle and Underworld banging out tunes. We couldve done something like that instead to show a modern Scotland. Instead we got safe stuff to keep readers of The Scotsman happy with their Arron jumpers and tartan slippers.

    Anyway. The competition has been good to watch. Ive enjoyed that so far.
  10. theirs no doubt the London Olympics where fantastic. not a sports fan but was totally hooked for the hole event.
    except those freeking hanky swingers.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. the more I see of this whole Scottish thing, the more I think that the Scots are trying hard to be Scots and the rest of us are just trying hard to be. I don't get it.

  12. another holiday to Glastonbury on the cards....? Allegedly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Bootsam, don't you think your view is a bit........selfish?

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its crap.

    I can appreciate that different people like different things and respect their right to do so.

    I am not a fan of Rod Stewart or Susan Boyle but millions are. Let them enjoy it.

    There was plenty of modern Scotland in that ceremony. Underworld certainly are not Scots. The Shamen are.

    Moira Stewart is a news reader. Don't know what she has to do with it.

    We didn't have the budget for a London Olympics because its not as big an event as the Olympics. You just can't compare the two in terms of scale.

    I just watched some crowd footage on youtube and it is much better than what the BBC put out. Much more atmosphere.
  14. Isn't yours? I have to like it because you do? It could be seen that way.

    I might have meant Moira Anderson. Ooops. My Gran loved her. If i have to listen to or watch one more episode of that or Crossroads I swear I will snap and go on a rampage targeting anyone in an Arron jumper.

    I can concede that the coverage might have ruined it as I wasn't there. Especially the commentary.

    I just thought it was shit. I'm fussy about music. I, of course, have the most impeccable taste in music and thus my opinion on that matter supersedes all others. (Allow me my moment of deluded elitism :Wacky:...of course I jest) Did you get forced into country dancing at school with that awful folky scottish music? Apart from the pipes I've never been a fan of that music, it hits my eardrum like freddy kruger on a blackboard. :Hurting::Blackeye:

    Pipebands and the pipes are a different matter altogether. Who isn't moved by the lone piper?

    We all have our tastes and each of us hates certain stuff. Its just that it managed to hit all the stuff I don't like with less of the stuff I did like.

    I'm quite prepared to say no more on the matter and just enjoy the actual games themselves. Which have been good. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Is it too early to wonder what the closing ceremony will be like......... Thought so.

    Coat, hat........
  16. No, my view is not selfish.

    I appreciate that a great many people like Boyle, Stewart, Bernadetti, Amy McDonald. Personally I don't. I would have chosen different bands, but many people would not have liked them.

    I though having ordinary Glaswegians in George Sq was a laugh and the UNICEF appeal inspired.

    I don't go to ceilidhs regularly either but on the odd occasion I have been they are full of young people. The London Ceilidh club had many non Scots there on the one occasion I went

    I am sorry you got offended at the opening part, but maybe you missed the intro which stated it was playing up to the stereotypes. You took it seriously for some reason. I had years of laughter in my eyes at the Tunnocks tea cakes pastiche of shortbread.

    First rule of Glasgow - anyone getting ideas above their station gets hauled right back down. Billy Connolly and Whitney Houston: just two of many to have been booed off stage in Glasgow. That is what the first part was about. Self depracating humour and keeping your feet on the ground. But may maybe you are not Glaswegian?
    #56 749er, Jul 26, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2014
  17. Nope. One is from Edinburgh. What, what, what, what.

    (actually a small mining village a few miles south)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. Ah well you know what us zglaswegians say about Edinburgh.......

    All fur coat and nae knickers..........one street and a castle.........

    Just so you don't get ideas above your station, being the capital etc....:p

    I do like Edinburgh very much. I now live near Biggar after 15 great years London, which amongst other things changed my thinking and feelings about Scotland. Eg, when I left for London in 97 and went home 2 weeks later for a short visit, I was astounded at how narrow minded we were in comparison to Londoners. Generally speaking of course. Then when I moved back, I noticed that had changed for the better.
  19. Nope ;)
  20. I'm frae Nitten. Ye canna get any mare wee minded that frae an inbred community e yin tiny street wi 12 pubs and 3 closed doon pits.

    Thats from my mothers side. My fathers side is Dumfries, which is altogether a nicer area. I grew up in nitten as they divorced soon after my birth. It then gets complicated...

    Ive lived in and around London for most of my life really. I do often go back to visit in Dumfries. I never go back to Nitten.

    I have no accent. I sound English. But I only have to be North for a few days and it creeps back. But wifey is from Nottingham/Grantham and Ive picked up some of her accent too. I pick up bloody accents so easily. There is a reason for this which is too lengthy and boring to mention. But when in Rome.

    Its unlikely i will return to live. You could say I am more Londoner these days. I hate and love this city with equal measure. I will always continue to holiday there though. In the summer. I do not miss the dreich winters one bit. I'm down here for the weather. The west coast though, if i ever came into money I would live there. I do feel a draw to the north west coast. Up by Ulllapool or Lochinver or even an isle.

    But i would miss London. Besides its easy for the continent. I can be in France in an hour or so if I time the chunnel well enough. The M25 is handy and a ball ache at the same time. London is the greatest city on Earth. Its also the worst. Fucking place. I love it.
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