Very sad news. Condolences to the family and friends of the guy. GWS to all the others. Not forgetting NL people too, must be gutted. Sometimes accidents just happen, sounds like this was one. It will all come out in the investigation but I can't see NL running the day if the requirements hadn't been met. Fact is that fast riders on fast bikes on a track will never be completely safe whatever you do. I've read the PH thread and there seems to be some really reactionary comments, probably from people with little or no experience of trackdays. Sadly incidents like this invite criticism of something we do because it does have an element of risk involved, take that away and sanitise trackdays and they won't be the same and still not completely safe. OGR
Condolences to all involved. I agree with a few of the posts on the PH thread. I think we might see trackdays changing in the future and hopefully for the better. I hope the h&s executive don't do anything stupid though.
sad day for all involved and family members, everyone knows the risks even on a controlled circuit, we just don't expect it to happen to us, Oulton is my local track and it brings it home to how fragile we are. RIP to the deceased and speedy recovery to the others.