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Our Untrustworthy Media

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zhed46, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. A lot

    1 vote(s)
  2. Somewhat

    12 vote(s)
  3. Not at all

    49 vote(s)
  4. Secondary question:

    2 vote(s)
  5. Has your opinion changed since the advent of the internet?

    3 vote(s)
  6. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  7. No

    27 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. But we were serious about Asian Babes, weren't we? I'm waiting for photos:(
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Please tell me Razzle is still a thing. Oh the joy of finding a copy in abandoned houses and woods when you were a kid.

    There was always a seedy matress too in these houses. Its only as I got of age I understood why. Same with pages stuck together.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  3. witth the interwwweb there isssss no need for mags that give the ggame awayyy with pages thhat ssssstiiick
  4. Thats what screen wipes are really for finny
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. no neeed. i havvent toutchhed it siince i was seventteen.
  6. They should get rid of the licence fee simply to remove any incumbent governments leverage over the BBC.
    The real shame is that the BBC seemed to be generally neutral in years gone by, and had a reputation for impartial accurate reporting It lost the plot completely when lady di had the crash. The news readers almost overnight adopted that stupid, nails down the blackboard, soppy-stern intonation, perfected by that hugh idiot, the Welsh lad, and dumbed down and down and down. You get more insight and neutrality from the Sunday Sport these days in any case. It's now a govt mouthpiece, currently stuffed with Tory loyalists, with anyone who threatens to actually investigate and report threatened with their employment. The govt continually threaten withdrawal of the licence fee, but never actually do this, nor will, as long as the BBC report as they are told to. There are no journalists worth the name at the BBC, bar Emily Maitliss, who was suspended for simply saying out loud what everybody thought. The country is now in a position where it'd be actually better off without the BBC. Better no news than thinly veiled propaganda.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. and thinking about it, how perverted do you need to be to get turned on by a wet wipe?
  8. When I was 16, just riding on a bus was enough.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. Another ‘habit’ I hate is the way they trawl Twitter after a death or big event and quote what anyone else ‘famous’ has said... a d then use screen grabs of the quotes as they haven’t got anything else to fill the pages with.

    I was very impressed by the weather man who quite fairly called out Pr*ck Morgan, (who then stormed out). Let’s hope ITV aback him up and get rid of the odious creap Morgan, given their latest campaign is all about keeping Britain talking and mental health.
  10. I hang a little left - Guardian, and a little right - The Economist. Both proper journalistic publications. I don't bother with anything else and certainly not anything 'royal' related. Off with thier heads. Vive la republique!
  11. Hmm there are two sides to every family feud and unless you are an orphan, who grew up alone on an island, you will know this yourself. Is it not reasonable to question an actress?

    Piers is doing what he always does, what he has done for years, what he is paid to do. Many really liked him slaying the government recently. I guess the government supporters found it less appealing. But like other actors he is largely playing a role.
  12. I agree that he held the government to account over COVID and the US about gun control but his vendetta against Megan (and to a lesser account Harry) is unpleasant and personal and seems to be rooted in the fact that he wasn’t invited to the wedding!

    I’m sure it’s all good publicity for him in the end but he really didn’t appreciate being called out and stormed off like the ‘snowflakes’ he despises.
  13. More of a vendetta against Markel than Hancock or Corbyn? Beware of damsel in distress syndrome. Markel has a fair record of family issues...

    Frankly I'm sick of the sight of her, her whining husband and all the rest of the Royal scroungers; though I have some respect for Lizzie & Anne. For a couple who want to live quietly, they have a really weird way of going about it.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Ok you have your view, I’ll have mine and we can move on.
  15. Hmm lets see, white-helmets held up as the sort of people you'd like working with St John Ambulance staff. Except they were created by an ex-mi5/6 agent & plenty of videos show them lifting executed people in the same set of seconds as the body is falling.

    John McCain was shown to have been with 'white-helmets' as well as ISIS in the same photo.

    Russian Federation; the UK government spent £100MILLION of tax payers money to propagandize all things bad as coming from Russia. Bellingcat/integrity initiative....all total bullshit fronts for the state to pretend or blame other nations. An objective which has allowed ussa to sell more F-35's to UK & more trident nuclear upgraded missiles..oh the tories have everyones gaze looking away from their deals. Which were done without the requisite approval....but RUSSSIAAAA

    Occasionally the MSM do a good article; https://www.theguardian.com/busines...itories-top-list-of-worlds-leading-tax-havens
    #55 GunZenBomZ, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
  16. I’m afraid to inform the internet has done for the porn fairy........
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. Just heard about this one, with 41,000 complaints coming through the door about his comments, just love to know what he's said that's rattle the cage.:thinkingface:
  18. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #59 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 3
  19. Edited. Apparently you can’t disagree or criticise or face court action.
    #60 bradders, Mar 9, 2021
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2021
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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