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Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Doodle, May 28, 2012.

  1. My fans don't kick in till 114....
  2. Jeez that's hot....
  3. I would certainly let this fixed!! Don't think that this won't give you problems in the (near) future!
  4. Are you directing your comment at me WP?

    FYI it has always been like this from day one, after 12k never had any problems (touch wood) and it has experienced some very hot conditions....

    May get this checked at the 15k service tho'

    I know about the faulty rads and they were supposed to be the early batch which mine is but so far like I said no problems....said it now ain't I?!:rolleyes:
  5. Indeed, Bob, I wouldn't be happy with this and this could bring no harm on the long term. When the radiator fans come in, there is still an overshoot before the temp comes down. Imagine this in warmer circumstances...

    When I had my problems with my thermostat, I stopped the engine when my temp got over 115 degrees, this after advice of my dealer. (also because the temperature did rise very quickly when I stood still /traffic stop)
  6. Well I have had the fans come in at warmer climes and never had a problem
  7. That's good to know, Bob, but if I was in your situation, I would like it changed. It could also that the thermometer gives a temperature too high.

    Maybe we are different, but I wouldn't take the risk of a possible blown cilinderhead and the dealer tells you afterwards that you should had been more careful.

    Just my thoughts...
  8. bob_cooper-albums52-2862.jpg

    Never had the 'high temp' warning come up btw

  9. Bob, it's just what I would do. If you are sure that it is all ok, then leave it like this. My fans start about 14 degrees earlier and I feel better this way. (just trying to be helpful)
  10. OK I realize you were trying to be helpful and thanks. Just wanted to make sure other people who were reading this thread didn't start worrying unnecessarily....
  11. Thanks for that little gem of info.

    Yet again I curse Dan under my breath!........there was an extensive discussion on the Ducatisti forum on the subject (duff radiators, thermostat issues, running temps etc) with lots of info posted. No real issues for me to date although I have an early bike and can't help keep wondering when the rad's going to fail.
    I'd prefer to see the fans cut in earlier (combination of mechanical sympathy and not least for my own comfort when stuck in traffic in hot weather!) so nice to know that's something else CJS can tweak.
  12. I to have an early bike, but no probs so far (famous last words)!

    Chris set the fans cutting in at 98 when i had the remap, gives you a little bit in reserve i guess...:upyeah:
  13. Can they not set the tolerance at the dealers?
  14. I dont think so Bob, dont think they can interrogate the ECU like Chris at CJS can?
  15. Bunch of bloody wasters!
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  16. If the bike's electronics detect a problem with the water temperature sensor and put up an error message, it lets you know what it thinks of you - the error message is "TWAT".
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