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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Still a bit extreme though
  2. I stand by what I said in post 18.I have woken up to moderate/severe pain for the last 3 years.Some days I find myself in very black hole of despair,knowing that there is no cure for my illness.
    The last thing I would want to do would be inflicting suffering on my family by doing something silly or extreme to myself.Perhaps the poor guy didn't have the support of his family,which I have always had.
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  3. Just before Christmas I was having the worst wisdom tooth issues I've had so far, with little sleep for 2 weeks and constant brain-drilling, gnawing pain. If that had been permanent I would have gone to some extreme measures to solve it if I couldn't get to a dentist.

    I think the spring-loaded contraption was a decent idea in that you couldn't stop it once it had started, it was very, very quick and it was a known quantity that could be tested before use. He might be a bit mental but it takes all sorts and some people are more inclined to extreme situations than others. The kind of people that he is are those that break records, join the SAS, climb the highest mountains etc. It's just unfortunate that this chap decided to use that drive to cut his arm off instead of something more purposeful.

    Mervyn, I really hope you can find some relief from the pain. It must be awful dealing with that .
  4. Thankyou Tom.I am lucky in having a lovely caring Mrs Mervyn and smashing son and daughter who keep me above water.
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  5. May you stay on the green side of the sod a bit longer.
  6. Amen to that.
  7. I once had an abcessed tooth, really bad pain, so I drilled a hole in my tooth with a 1mm jet drill, it was either that or use a shotgun. My dentist said I did a great job.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Bad tooth pain Dave must be one of the worst to suffer I reckon.
  9. Totally debilitating and a deep set pain, worst I've ever had, and I've had broken bones, bad burns and allsorts. Turned out it wasn't just an abscessed tooth but the bone in my top jaw up to and behind the nose as well, had to be operated on to have it removed.
  10. Yeah? I used to think a tooth abscess was the worst thing I'd ever encountered until after a bout of tonsillitis I got an Ear infection. Jesus holy christ mother of god etc. Nothing, no amount of pain killers, no amount of hard core skunk, no amount of whisky, nothing could temper it. Alas I have no access to morphene. But OMFG...hooray for antibiotics...

    Oh and why do they crop up at fucking weekends? Eh? Bastards.
  11. You've obviously never stood on a piece of Lego in the pitch black :(
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  12. My tooth abscess was worse than my ears, had burst eardrums 3 times and suffered with bad earaches my whole childhood, had an op on the ears at aged 15 which help fix me them, still get the odd infection/earache tho'.
  13. Or an upturned plug...
  14. I remember vividly the time I was using a demolition hammer.The bit had got stuck in the concrete,I was pulling and pulling,would the bastard free itself?Yes it did,suddenly,and I pulled 25kg of hammer straight up into my testicles:Arghh::Arghh: :Wtf: :Hurting:.
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  15. I did the same Merv. But I used it to crush the tip of my finger and break it in 3 places. Agony. The same day I crashed my Vespa on oil in the blackwall tunnel on way home. Later once i had remounted i got tugged by plod and arrested on mistaken identity and spend a 4hrs in the cells. When I eventually got home my X GF berated me for being late.

    I also once pulled a 10m long RSJ which had one end on the ground and the other 2m high on a bit of wall. As I stood astride the end on the ground and pulled it off the wall, when the other end hit, Newtons Law got me and an equal and opposite reaction flung the end I was astride up and cover drove my testes for 6.

    Demolition had its moments.
  16. I reckon us blokes are lucky to make it old age,when you consider what we get up to.As soon as we start walking we are a disaster waiting to happen:rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. touch wood i have been very lucky, but saying that i haven't been around as long as you guys.
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  18. So why don't demolition men wear body armour and cricketers' boxes?
  19. In my day, Pete, ie the mid to late 80's on the demolition, all I wore were steel cappers. Bearing in mind I could be up a chimney 200ft with my mattock, knocking it down brick by brick as it was £250/1000bricks. No ropes of safety harness. We never got seriously hurt due to being a team. Always keep your feet clear. Good foremen too. The only time I wore a harness was to be suspended in mid air by crane to cut steels down. H&S? My arse. Darwin applied back then.

    1st day on site was always the best. Wanton destruction. Driving the 'cat' through walls. Bobcat wheellies and thwaites tipper truck races. I miss those days. Great laughs.
  20. I count myself as very lucky on the dental front, as I have never even had a toothache, let alone anything like an abscess. The only dental work I've ever had was a couple of extractions to allow my adult teeth through, and a cap from when I broke a front tooth when I was 13. To this day I've never even had a filling. I personally credit it to a love of cheese, and not an especially sweet tooth as a kid. I'd take cheese and wine over chocolate and cola every day of the week.
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