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Painting Gloss First Or Emulsion?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dirty Leeds, Jun 20, 2020.

  1. Paid an BA pilot to do mine while he’s on Furlough,,,,,,,,,,made a cracking job of the landing :joy:
    (Da-Boom-Tish, I’m here all week)
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  2. Ceiling first- Dulux trade Matt white. Pay the extra for it, well worth it.
    Then walls,
    Then satin coat your woodwork. Gloss is so last century!
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  3. sorry simon but if you use making tape for anything other than spraying or avoiding roller splatter you are an armature and bound to fuck it up.......no pro cuts into masking tape as the paint 90% of the time bleeds through (you wont see this at the time as the tape is in the way) and upon removal of tape you must do fuck loads of touch ups. if you cant cut in without tape you aint a pro... if you cant paint french doors with a 3 inch brush without masking you aint a pro
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  4. I aint a pro - that's why I use masking tape to get a straight line.. my hand is not steady... I know this so I do not try cutting in.... small roller to the edge to get right to the tape... then swap to large roller.

    Just done 6 rooms - as above - the amount of bleed was maybe one spot per room - and generally small.. square edges on masking tape - pressed firmly..

    I also paint the gloss (eggshell WB) with a brush and then use small foam roller over the top to take out the brush marks....

    The job i have just done has much straighter lines and edges than the painter I paid 5 years ago last time it was decorated (he did whole house - £3000 + £900 for Paint) - also last time i stopped him filling the nail pops - and did the filling on each room before he painted - because you could still see his fill marks - because he was filling in one go - no unibond either first.

    I Unibond the nail pops - the use deep fill first - sub flush

    Then fine fill over top leave for 20 minutes - lightly wet scraper - over top to polish filler and remove excess - leave it to dry - then 30 second sand with a fine sanding block..

    So while I ain't a pro.... most of the pro's are not either... I know this so adjust accordingly..
    #24 Simon Audi, Jun 21, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
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  5. fair play... my hand aint steady as such, its technique and practice.. i dont do much decorating these days as i left that trade 25 years ago but can still cut in left of right handed no prob.
    not giving you a hard time but i laugh when i see supposedly time served decorators using masking tape to cut into.. tape does has its uses though...
  6. I just thought of a use for tape ...
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  7. I agree with @chizel, majority of UK painters usually have done another job before, I did painting and decorating at college for a while but moved to a better paid job. When works been slack in the past I painted houses but I don't like doing it much.

    Paper hanging is where you'll find real decorating skill IMO, slapping emulsion and painting woodwork most peeps can turn their hands to it. The finish is all in the prep DL.

    :thinkingface: let your Mrs do the painting her way you go for a ride on your motorbike for the day everyone's a winner.
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  8. I’d just say get another Mrs @Dirty Leeds - she is clearly deranged.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. They're all like that straight out the factory, they need to be adjusted every now and then.....

    Getting rid of one is expensive and time consuming always take your time selecting the right model. Test ride them to excess while you can cos once you've found a keeper no more riding other models for you, not even your mates.
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  10. Exterior white gloss takes longer to yellow than interior. No idea why but it does.
  11. And it's one or the other. You get gloss or you get emulsion wife. I got other shit to be doing.
  12. Just pointing out....if you roller emulsion a wall and then cut in/touch-up (i.e. round light switches) with a brush, it'll leave a different texture and will stand out a mile when the light catches it at some point in the day. So...Emulsion first, right up to(and over a bit) where you're going to gloss (architrave/skirting etc). When emulsion dry, tape and gloss. :upyeah:
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  13. Gloss is nasty the smell of it is a put off

    Ceiling first then skirting and walls always works for me
    I like the challenge of cutting in
    I liked painting I can’t do it now :(
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  14. Only ever use a roller for ceilings as I don’t like the finish

    just painting the utility at the moment - is the preparation that’s important - the painting bit is easy

    masking tape is a waste of time, takes longer to stick it on that cut in which is easy so along as you invest in decent brushes
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Sometimes I hate masking tape :mad:. I masked ALL the windows of the house, then painted all the woodwork. Dodging showers and with intermittent bike rides when it was sunny, it took a few days. Would the b’stard tape come of cleanly? Would it f**k:mad:

    14494B7E-0E19-4D58-87C3-8E2384CC0CE0.jpeg 5EB18174-B533-46BD-AA0D-A4063CF43774.jpeg
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  16. Use 14 day blue tape instead
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  17. It's got UV stabilisers in it :bucktooth:
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  18. armature-winding.jpg
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  19. Never does once it's got wet and dried out, royaly boils my piss at work when the put masking tape on panels to write something on it :mad:. Keep telling them to write directly on the panel 4 years and they still do it.:mad:

    I've found Waitrose window cleaner effective in removing it with reduced effort, spray on leave to soak for a little while return and wipe/rub away.
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  20. There was me thinking armature was some weird insult from the land of the great long shroud.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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